First Motive

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Our meeting and nighttime rule routine seemed to ease everyone's minds; however, Monokuma had something else in mind. I wasn't sure where he appeared from, but the peace of breakfast was ruined by his ranting. "I was so bored until I realized what was missing! Perfect place, perfect subjects, but I was missing one piece of the puzzle," Monokuma bopped around the dining hall. "Motive!" His arms flew up in a 'ta-da' gesture. When the others tried to ask what he meant, Monokuma laughed. "You'll know when you watch it!" 

Togami and I sat next to each other, hesitant to watch whatever was on our CDs. After hearing Naegi scream, shaken from the contents on his CD, I almost left mine in the box. But just like the others, the curiosity was too excruciating to ignore. Slipping the headphones over my ears, the video began to play. My parents were seated and smiling; my mother held a glass of wine while my father puffed on a cigar. "I owe you an apology, Karen. I was wrong to deny you of your birthright," my father's humble tone warmed my heart.

"You've come so far, dear. We're so proud to be your parents!" Tears were streaming down my mother's face. "Make sure you and Byakuya do your best!" My happiness faltered after hearing that, then completely washed away when the video began to fade. My parents were gone, the furniture was broken, and blood was splattered around the living room. I choked on my cries as I listened to the damn bear's voiceover:

Karen Billotte, a gifted young designer born into a world of luxury. Every detail of her life was runway ready; she was surrounded by the talented, wealthy, and attractive. But behind every diamond-encrusted door, scandal and secrets brew. So, what could have caused this family to fall apart at the seams?


Once the initial shock dissipated, I gingerly removed the headset and stood up. Everyone except for Kirigiri, Celeste, and Togami was visibly shaken; I didn't know whether to feel impressed or disgusted by their lack of reaction. When everyone started asking about what the others saw, Maizono bolted from the room. Naegi was quick to follow her and it wasn't long before we could hear her hysterical sobbing. "Karen," Togami's hand rested over my shoulder; I swatted it away and left the AV room, not bothering to look at Maizono or Naegi as I walked past. 

I glanced at the clock again. 9:30; nighttime was steadily approaching. I couldn't focus on forcing myself to sketch with the video haunting me. I quickly stood, nearly tipping my chair over, and paced around. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of a reasonable explanation as to why my mother mentioned Togami. I stared at my reflection in the camera lens, wishing I could smash the damn thing to pieces. 'Damn it, enough of this!' I stormed out, slamming my door behind me. Within seconds, I stood in front of Togami's door, prepared to bash my fist against it until he answered. 'No, calm down. He won't listen if you lash out' I told myself, taking a deep breath and rang the doorbell. As the door swung open, I opened my mouth, but the words froze in my throat; the sight of Byakuya in sleepwear, leaning against the door frame, quickly eased my anger. The matching black silk button down and lounge pants suited his luxurious aesthetic well. 'Focus!' "Can I come in? I need to talk to you". I struggled to keep a serious tone; my cheeks burned, and my palm was raw from rubbing my knuckles. Without question, Togami held the door open for me. His dorm was also decorated appropriately; the furniture was of mahogany with emerald upholstery and gold accents. "My mother mentioned you in my video," I said, focusing on the globe on his desk.

Togami hummed in acknowledgment, "You were mentioned in mine as well. 'I wish graceful success for both you and Miss Billotte'," he quoted, not sounding surprised.

"Do you know why?" I sat at the desk, facing him as he sat on the edge of his bed.

He wouldn't look at me. The debating expression from yesterday had returned to Byakuya's face; his eyes remained focused on a random spot in the distance as he twisted the hem of his sleeve. With a sigh, he shut his eyes for a moment and nodded. "I agreed to an arrangement made by our parents on both of our behalves". Before I started angrily asking questions, Byakuya raised his hand to silence me. "I convinced my father to allow you to become the first wife of the Togami bloodline".

Raspy laughter escaped my lips as I sunk my face into my hands. My sense of sanity was crumbling, and we had only been trapped for two days. A part of me was hoping that Byakuya was lying, but I knew better. I couldn't recall a time when Byakuya had lied to me, which I suppose was another trait I found endearing. "When-why? Just...why?"

"You deserve the best," he shrugged. His answer seemed to be lacking as if he were hiding behind it by playing the egotistical card. No matter how self-serving his answer might've been, it still sent a flicker of warmth through my heart. Unfortunately, the pleasant moment was swept away by the nighttime announcement; Monokuma's voice made my fingers clench around my seat. I stood to leave, but my footsteps fell hesitantly. Togami's hand wrapped around my shoulder, "If you don't want to leave, say so". For someone who lacked understanding of emotion, Byakuya could easily analyze what one was thinking. I nodded, grateful that I hadn't needed to verbalize my fear.

After locking his door, Togami offered a spare sleep set for me to borrow. I stepped into his bathroom, noticing that it was identical to mine. Normally, I would have removed my bra but the thought of sleeping in Togami's clothes without one singed my cheeks. The fact that I was wearing his clothes was embarrassing enough; the sleeves and pant legs extended past my hands and feet, which made me feel like a child. I let my hair down and folded my clothes, leaving the bathroom to set them on the desk. "Can I borrow a brush, Byakuya?" When I turned around, I caught Byakuya staring and spotted the creeping blush engulfing his cheeks.

Without a word, he disappeared into the bathroom and came out with a comb, waving me over to the bed. I sat with my back to him as he gently brushed the hairspray and knots out. The only other time he had brushed my hair was when I had been caught in a thunderstorm. I had run away when my parents told me that we would be leaving for our house in America and found myself at Byakuya's doorstep. I had grown tired of not being able to make friends or attend an actual school, but I couldn't change how I lived at such a young age. Even as he lectured me about my irrational actions, Byakuya dried my hair and brushed the tangled tresses. As I reminisced, hot tears began to pour, "You were right, by the way. My parents were proud of me in the end". All of the emotions that had meshed together solidified into overwhelming grief. Byakuya set the comb aside and wrapped his arms around my shaking shoulders. The warmth of his body against mine eased my heaving sobs. Somehow, this felt familiar too.

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