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Breakfast the next morning was filled with awkward tension. Toko and Yasuhiro barely glanced up, afraid to catch Sakura's attention. Hina and I hadn't spoken since the major blow-up and Toko still had it out for her for slapping Togami across the face. "So...who wants to clear the air first?" I asked, clearing my throat. Eyes darted around the room, reading each other's uncertain regret.

"I...I'm sorry," Hina started, focusing on me. "For blowing up on you the other day. I seriously lost my temper".

I shook my head, "It's okay. I haven't been quite myself since the accident, so I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused," I glanced at Kyoko, who nodded.

"So-sorry for smashing a bottle over you-your head," Toko's eyes lifted, staring over the rim of her glasses.

"I understand your fear. I consider it payback for my treachery". Sakura smiled; Hina did her best to not object.

We watched Byakuya continue to sip his coffee. I waited until the cup was out of his hand to bump his arm. "What?" he turned to me, genuinely confused. I gestured to Sakura and Hina. Byakuya continued to stare at me, his eyes slowly narrowing. Realizing I wouldn't let what he said to Hina go, he gave a defeated sigh and turned to the two girls. "I'm not saying this out of authenticity, but I apologize for what I said days ago". It was barely genuine and passive-aggressive, but Hina and Sakura glanced at each other and smiled.

"It'll have to do," Hina shrugged. "So, what do we do now?"

"Unfortunately, Monokuma will continue to give motives until another murder takes place," Kyoko wiped her mouth. "We were fortunate that you intervened, but luck won't always be in our favor".

"But Makoto's sitting right here," Hiro pointed. We couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but a few of us couldn't help but laugh.

"In all seriousness, Kyoko, if luck was ever in our favor, we wouldn't be trapped in here," I said, thinking back to the note from last night. Let's make a deal. What kind of deal could work in our favor? Why would the mastermind bother to reach out to me? It was possible that they were only trying to lure me into some kind of trap. Sakura already had that opportunity and it turned sour, from her end no less.

"As a starting point, we could identify who Kyoko is," Byakuya nudged me from my mind. I blanked out from the conversation once again. "Karen, do you recall Kyoko ever telling us about her talent, rather why exactly she's here?"

I shook my head. Now that he mentioned it, the only person who only identified by name was Kyoko. "I wouldn't pass judgment just yet, however. I have my suspicions of foul play".

"Foul play?" Sakura crossed her arms. "What are you referring to?"

I stared at Kyoko. "You're referring to your missing memory," she finished my thought.

"Not just mine. I think we're all missing memories, just of different intervals".

"But that's also saying that what you've remembered isn't fabricated fantasies," Kyoko tapped a gloved finger against the table. "Yet, I have to agree with you. I don't remember what my talent is, nor why I'm here".

"I don't believe they're fabricated," I said over the surprised gasps. "Since waking up, everyone feels familiar, as if I've met you all before. Even the personality behind Monokuma feels familiar". I seemed to have a knack for causing unanimous silence.

"Care to explain further?" Byakuya shot a narrowed glare in my direction. "You haven't mentioned one word-".

"Because I knew everyone would get defensive. Hear me out," I held my palm out to him, "Unless given the resources, how could a single person uncover the sensitive material provided in each motive?"

"Through my special spy methods!" we jumped at the sudden unwelcome voice. Monokuma hopped around the table as if playing Duck Duck Goose. "Seriously though, if someone's life is threatened, you can beat any information out of them!" I tried to contain the horrifying images in my mind.

"What motive have you formulated this time?" Byakuya leaned back, unamused.

"What? Is my game starting to bore you all?" Monokuma pouted. "Don't worry, I'll fix that right now! Yes, Byakuya, I do have another motive. Care to guess?"

"If we can successfully dismantle you, we can leave?" I asked, laughing.

Monokuma stopped hopping, staring at me. Tilting his head in both directions, I could hear a playful hum through his mouth. "You're not taking me seriously anymore. Is the despair finally consuming your mind?~" I stiffened my legs against my chair. "Do you think you know everything? That you know who's hiding behind this adorable face?"

"You don't scare me, scrap heap. Do you honestly think your motives can phase us anymore?"

The creeping giggled broke into hysterical laughter, "What if I told you...that two people could escape? Together, hand in hand and ready to face the future head-on?"

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