Lips are Sealed

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In the midst of darkness, a single ring of the doorbell managed to pull me from the depths of sleep. Byakuya remained unconscious, breathing deep and slow beside me. Slipping out from the covers, I peered through the door's peephole. No one stood waiting, but a flat package sat at my feet. Inspecting the note, instructions were scribbled on the inside:

Retrieve the combat knife from Naegi's room. Use whatever means necessary.

I held my breath, unwrapping the box to reveal a disguise. A white lab coat and a wrestling mask awaited my trembling hands for inspection. Why would the Mastermind care about some dumb knife? Unfortunately, there wasn't much time to waste. Buttoning the coat around me, I tucked every loose hair into the mask until I only viewed the world through perforated holes.

Crossing the hallway, I found Makoto's door unlocked. They must have known, I thought, shutting the door behind me. I illuminated my steps with my handbook screen and stopped in front of his dresser. It didn't feel right to trifle through his things; I knew I wouldn't appreciate someone snooping through my delicate's drawer. If I were Makoto, where would I hide a knife? I glanced around the room until my eyes settled on his desk. In plain sight, I rolled my eyes. Slowly, I opened the drawer just wide enough to slip my hand in and remove the knife. I ran a finger over the combat knife's teeth, catching Makoto's rapid and broken breaths in the background. I paused at his bedside; Makoto had been the first person to treat me like a friend when we woke up. What had he told Kirigiri after the incident in the library? Could Kirigiri actually catch on to my deal with Monokuma without Naegi around? No! What the hell are you thinking?

"Huh? Wah!" Makoto's eyes widened, though blurred with sleep.

Shit! I backed up, feeling another body push into mine. A firm shove sent me reeling towards the door, I didn't look back as I sprinted back into Byakuya's room. Tossing the garments haphazardly back into their box and the knife in one of his desk drawers, I made sure to lock the door and bury my face into Byakuya's shoulder in the comfort of blankets.

Feeling Byakuya's hands run through my hair had been a better wakeup call than hearing Monokuma's announcement for the millionth time. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, nearly falling back asleep from the calm movements of his hands.

"Long enough to register that you found your way into my arms in the middle of the night". He didn't smile; his brow creased with concern, staring down at me. I wanted to talk about nearly killing Makoto. About the knife I stole and stashed in his desk. But glancing in the direction of the box, I noticed the evidence from last night had disappeared. Please tell me that was a dream

"Can we just indulge in this? For a moment?" I wrapped an arm over his waist and closed my eyes. I could tell he wanted to ask, but he simply nodded and continued to run his fingers through my hair.

Minutes ticked on before Byakuya began to sit up, "I'm going to shower if that's okay with you".

"Do you want help with your bandages?" I asked. "I can at least get new ones".

"I want you to relax," he said, still staring at me with concern. Clutching my hand tightly, we went into the bathroom and gently removed the bandage and gauze. "See? The bleeding stopped. I'm fine," Byakuya cradled my face. "Karen, what happened yesterday-".

"I...had an awful dream. I almost killed Makoto. Just remembering what I did to Toko, I don't feel like myself. I'm scared of what I'll do next," my hand hovered over his wound. "I can't control my temper anymore. Ever since we got here, I'm losing myself in all of this". My breathing sped up.

"I noticed," Byakuya's tone fell flat. "That's why...I acted desperately last night. However, I knew that you'd be okay. You were always the one to say that if we're together, we would be okay. So, you have to trust your instincts".

I gawked at him, frozen for a moment. After everything he had seen, no matter the reason or how irrational, he noticed. He remembered. I threw my arms around his shoulders, even though I had to stand on my toes to do so. "I can't believe life brought us together in the worst way possible," I whispered.

Byakuya wrapped his arms around my waist, "The context, I'll agree, but I'd say this was more effective". We stood like this for another moment longer before Byakuya broke away to start running warm water, urging me to join him among the steam. 

Entering the dining hall, the room was hushed as if everyone were scared to speak. Upon meeting Kyoko and Makoto's gazes, my footsteps faltered. Byakuya froze, observing my odd behavior. If I didn't find a way to manage to keep up the act, Monokuma was going to revel in my execution. I shuddered thinking of what ideas they had come up with to execute Byakuya and me. 'Twenty-four hours' I thought, gently grinding my teeth together. "So, uh," I gestured at the empty spot, "Fukawa's not here". 'No shit' I scolded myself.

"I tried knocking, but she just told me to go away," Hina spoke softly, hardly looking in my direction. Only Kyoko and Byakuya would look directly at me.

"You could try apologizing," Makoto said. The room silenced. "I know what you did was-".

"No," I cut him off. Multiple bewildered wide eyes stared at me. "I can apologize, but what would that honestly do for Fukawa?" I kept my eyes on Makoto. "Would the Mastermind apologizing for their actions mean anything to us?"

"That's different!" he blurted.

"Is it? Severity wise, yes, but I still made Toko fear for her life. She will never trust me again if she had any trust for me in the first place". Eyes turned back to the table.

"So, you take responsibility for your actions, even after she tried to kill you?" Kyoko crossed her arms.

"Of course, I do. As should she. Isn't that the foundation of justice, Kirigiri?" When was that bear going to intervene? I pressed my fingers against my frame.

"A rather sudden change in attitude," Kyoko noted.

"Near-death experiences can do that," I shrugged.

"Maybe Toko will be more friendly!" Hiro blurted, receiving doubtful glances. "Although, Togami didn't change much," he tilted his head, scrutinizing with a finger on his chin.

"We've all changed," I folded my arms, tapping impatiently on my arm, "for better and for worse". Kyoko narrowed her eyes, opening her mouth to speak until Monokuma appeared.

"Didn't someone once say that those who can't adapt deserve to perish?" Monokuma teased. "I forget the name~".

"How much longer are you going to drag the others into this?" I glared. "Let them rest in what little peace they've found".

"What do you think the afterlife looks like? Fluffy clouds and halos? Maybe they're walking endlessly in an empty void!"

"Enough," Byakuya pressed a hand against my back. "Why are you here?"

Monokuma chuckled; I could feel the Mastermind staring knowingly at the both of us. "Why, to offer a compromise! You've all been working so hard that you deserve a reward!"

"And why should we believe you?" Sakura asked.

"Because these two are the ones responsible for my generosity!" The bear wrapped a creepy short arm around my leg. "So, here's the deal: twenty-four hours, all access to solve the mysteries of this school! Succeed, you all go free. Fail," he paused, enjoying the fearful anticipation, "and two of you will be executed!"

"What?! You two agreed to that?!" Hiro bolted up from his chair.

"That's not-!" Monokuma nudged my leg. I couldn't even explain that? "I trust that we can succeed," I sighed.

"You agreed to put any two of us on the chopping block based on blind faith?" Kirigiri joined Hiro in standing.

"Oh, do not start! Makoto is the same way!" I jutted a hand in his direction.

"At least Makoto avoids sacrificing others". I couldn't debate her. "Might I ask why you decided on these terms?" Byakuya and I stood in silent unison. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, glancing down at Monokuma. "I have hope, Kirigiri. In all of us. Let's not waste any more time".

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