On the Edge

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I couldn't decide whether to punch him, crumble to the floor in tears, or let the anger numb me while I walked away. I approached him, close enough to raise a fist, but my arm froze when I reeled it back. I sucked my lips in, choking down the pitiful laughter; I turned away from Byakuya just as the tears began to spill. "One kiss really doesn't mean anything," I nodded towards Kirigiri and listened to my heels click towards the door. No one protested, no one called out to me, and I was content with that. 

As soon as the door closed behind her, the others burst with headache-inducing banter. Under usual circumstances, Byakuya found it easy to ignore their badgering questions and obnoxious shouting. "Enough," the stern voice of Kirigiri resounded over the others. "Why didn't you explain yourself?"

"There was nothing left to explain," The heir crossed his arms, turning towards the door. He could have answered Karen's questions, but Byakuya wanted to discuss this matter in private. He was still reeling his mind, trying to figure out how Monokuma managed to uncover such evidence. "Besides, she clearly doesn't understand the favor I committed to".

"Favor?" Hina scowled, "You clearly did something wrong!" The swimmer and martial artist were the first to leave after Karen's dramatic exit.

"What arrangement was she referring to?" Kirigiri tried to pry farther.

"No business that anyone of you could comprehend, nor that I care to explain," Byakuya started to make his exit. "Go talk with her, if you feel so inclined". Tired, he left the group to discuss whatever they pleased; he wasn't concerned with anyone's opinions of him and didn't plan to listen further. Unfortunately, reading couldn't distract him from the suffocating guilt of jeopardizing their relationship, whatever it was exactly that they had. The arrangement had been intended to be platonic, so why does this ache in his chest persist? Byakuya was tempted to knock on her door but knew that Karen wouldn't answer, nor would he grovel for forgiveness.

I nearly fell out of bed at the sight of Monokuma hovering over me, "You really don't want to push me right now".

"Why? Inclined to play with knives? Maybe push someone in the incinerator?" I grimaced as Monokuma chuckled to himself. "Anywho, it'll have to wait! Trouble's already brewed and served!" With that ominous message, Monokuma sprung out of my room. I sighed, brushing the warning off and proceeded with my normal morning routine. I could barely make out the body announcement over the shower jets; I rushed to yank something on, semi-dry my hair, and bolt from my room.

My eyes couldn't find a focus point; they flickered between Chihiro's body, blood-stained carpet, and the blood message scrawled across the wall. Togami stood proudly in the center of the room, explaining his knowledge of some infamous serial killer. 'Why is he so eager?' When we were investigating Sayaka's murder, he was one of the few that cared the least about finding her killer. Within minutes, Naegi was being dragged out of the room by Togami as his 'honorably appointed help'. "Tch," I shook my head with a disgruntled smirk.

"Is there a problem?" Togami stopped in the doorway, side-eyeing me.

My breath seethed with anger, a mild hiss forming under the exhale. "Yeah, several actually. All of which involves you and your arrogant," I took a step forward. "Apathetic," Another step. "Parasitic god complex," My knuckles met the metal just beside his arm, the door swung back and ricocheted off the wall. I froze, clutching my bleeding knuckles, and rushed out in search of the nearest bathroom. The sound of blood dripping onto the tiles was familiar; I could feel my thoughts reeling to find the memory but only to only discover a headache. After washing the blood away and wrapping a towel around my knuckles, I sunk to the bathroom floor. 'So this...is despair'

"Are you going to be okay?" Sakura was quick to approach me once I returned to the crime scene. I wasn't sure if she was referring to my physical or emotional damage, but I nodded. "Will you be okay to investigate?"

"I'm sure we have all the necessary bases covered," Kyoko stepped away from Chihiro's body. "More importantly, you should be prepared for the trial". I nodded; even though she wasn't the most comforting individual, Kirigiri encouraged strength.

I took her place in front of the small girl and was immediately caught off guard. Chihiro wasn't suspended by a rope, rather an extension cord. I nearly knocked Naegi down as I rushed out of the door. I glanced behind him, seeing no sign of Togami, 'So he dumped Naegi. What a surprise'.

"I need you to confirm something," Makoto started to lead me back to Chihiro.

"The extension cord, right?" I murmured. We exchanged a knowing glance; "So it was from the library," I whispered to myself. Fear crept throughout my chest, envisioning Byakuya being whisked away to be executed. 'He wouldn't...No', I kicked the burrowing thoughts away. From the locker room, I followed Makoto for the remainder of the investigation and listened to what he had found.

"How's your hand?" Makoto winced once I held it up for him.

"I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have lost my temper," Even my tone sounded hopeless. Makoto stopped walking, tugging me to a halt. "We don't have time to discuss this, Naegi. Can we please just finish investigating?" He continued to stare at me with brows knitted together in worry. 'Damn, he's stubborn when things get serious', I sighed. "We'll talk after we find Chihiro's killer," I forced a mediocre excuse for a grin. 

"So you claim one of us to be Genocide Jack?" Celeste covered her awe behind a dainty pale hand.

"Yes. In fact, it's Toko". Togami's accusation made everyone's eyes snap to the cowering writer. Even as Hina tried to defend Toko, Togami shot her point down immediately. "Simply put, Toko Fukawa is and isn't Genocide Jack".

"You're saying that Genocide Jack has multiple personalities, right?" Naegi presented a case file with the serial killer's name stamped across the front. "The file claimed that they would have Dissociative Identity Disorder".

"She was acting stranger than usual," I leaned against the podium, narrowing my eyes in thought.

Toko grimaced in dejection, "Oh, li-like you weren't?" The trial shut her question away, rounding the room and continued to pile evidence. Every time Togami opened his mouth, accusing Fukawa further, her composure crumbled further. "W...w...why?" She clutched her braids, tugging downwards. I was certain that I saw tears beginning to spring up behind her lenses.

"Why?" Togami turned to the meek girl, "Because you made the decision to come to me with your tragic tale". He proceeded to repeat what Fukawa had told him last night, just before we were assembled in the gym.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Toko snapped. "W-we promised!"

I snorted, "Stings doesn't it?" Toko didn't find my petty comment as amusing as Celeste had.

"And you broke the promise first," Togami smirked in gratification. "You claimed that you would keep Genocide Jack from striking again, isn't that right?"

"I...I tried my best...but-".

"Yet those efforts were worthless," Byakuya crossed his arms, holding his head high. "Now, I want to speak directly with the person responsible".

The sheer stress of the trial sent Fukawa's body bending backward and, when she stood straight again, a pair of malicious red eyes gawked back.

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