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Hope's Peak was under lockdown due to protesters scaling the gates, but the Headmaster was adamant in his reassurances that everything would be okay. Without classes, my class hung out in the dorms, leaving our doors open to the others. Byakuya and I looked up to find Naegi knocking, "Have either of you seen Junko or Mukuro?"

We shook our heads, "If they aren't in their rooms, then they should be somewhere in the building, right?" I explained as I proceeded to text the sisters. For over half an hour, I tried to contact them but received no answer, "Junko, this isn't funny! Please just answer your phone!" I hung up, stuffing the cell phone back into my pocket. I left Byakuya's room, grabbed my coat from my room, and started leaving the corridor.

"Where do you think you're going?" Byakuya chased after me, pulling me to a halt by my arm.

"Junko and Mukuro are missing! That doesn't sound like an emergency to you?" I tried to yank my arm away. Realized I wouldn't give up, Byakuya finally released me, sending my weight propelling to the floor. "You little-," A metallic stench filled the air, jamming my voice mid-insult. Rushing up the stairs was Nanami with Nagito leaning against her short frame, blood staining his shirt. I scrambled to my feet, rushing over to the pair; I couldn't explain the strange emotion flooding my mind and body. It felt as if every nerve in my body was snapping from the adrenaline; white noise echoed in my ears as numbness consumed my heart. The feeling was too vague to be described as fear but wasn't comparable to grief or guilt.

I waited with Nanami until Nagito roused from unconsciousness. Once again, his luck saved his life; how a bullet hits exactly where his cellphone was had rendered me speechless. "Idiot," I muttered. "You were the one who told me to be careful around her!"

"So, you haven't forgotten my warnings," he smiled, genuinely touched that I had listened to him. I wasn't sure whether to be thankful or regret remembering.

"She needs to be stopped," Chiaki stood up, heading towards the door.

"Nanami, I would strongly reconsider," Nagito coughed. "Enoshima isn't someone to underestimate". He continued to explain the same warning he gave me, only embellished with his recent experience. Izuru Kamakura Project? How did this relate to Hinata? While I didn't fully understand what Nagito was talking about, I still agreed with not confronting Enoshima yet. But nothing we said could change the 77th class' consensus. Nagito and I watched Nanami and the others rush to Yukizome's aid. "I have to follow them," Nagito pushed himself to his feet.

"No, let me go. You're injured," I glanced at the blood stain.

He shook his head, "Stay with your class. If something happens to us, you need to stop her". Through my protests, Nagito embraced me with every ounce of strength he had and left me standing in the empty classroom. 

When I returned to the dorm hallway, everyone was waiting outside of their rooms. "The Headmaster would like to speak with us," Kyoko said, leading the rest of us to her father's office. One by one, we were called into the office; no one spoke of what was happening or why we were being spoken to, but everyone had a determined look as they left the office. When Junko left the office, she had pulled Mukuro aside before she could speak with the Headmaster. Byakuya and I were among the last few; when he rejoined everyone in the waiting area, he sat next to me and reached for my hand.

"What it is?" His reaction scared me. Obviously, he wouldn't explain what was going on, but he met my eyes and reached for my other hand.

"Promise to think logically," he leaned over and kissed my forehead just as my name was called.

Kyoko's father shut the door as I sat on the leather couch across from his desk. "Is this about the protests?" My eyes followed the Headmaster as he took his seat.

He didn't answer; however, he pressed the record button on a camera and sat down once the red light began flashing. "As a student of Hope's Peak Academy, it is my responsibility to protect you".

"What about the 77th class?" Anxiety swam in my chest, forcing me to breath faster. Again, he refused to answer and continued to explain the situation. How the hell did this happen?

"I understand that you must feel anxious. However, I must ask you to make a decision".

What had the others decided? What was Byakuya's answer? What's going to happen to Nagito? I turned around, picturing everyone's determined expressions through the mahogany door. How could I possibly pick a side when the world was falling apart and Nagito was caught in the middle of it? "Please tell me what happened to the 77th class," I pleaded, clenching my hands around my knees. The Headmaster remained silent, shaking his head; he had no idea and couldn't provide any answers. 'You need to stop her' Nagito's voice echoed; although a part of me strongly disagreed, I found myself nodding, "Okay. I agree to the conditions".

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