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From the jet, two separate coaches were waiting for us; I was escorted to my house and Togami was escorted to his mother's house. I messaged our classmates, letting them know that we had arrived safe with a steady flow of excited responses. I was welcomed into the arms of my mother and father as soon as I stepped through the door and spent my first night answering several questions about my time at Hope's Peak Academy.

"How's Byakuya doing?" My mother asked with a warm smile.

My brows knitted together in confusion; my parents never asked me about Byakuya whenever I called them on the weekends. "Uh...well. He's doing well," I gave a weak smile, "He hasn't changed much since when we were younger". My parents laughed, unaware of how I meant that.

From my open wardrobe, I jumped towards my ringing phone. "Nagito?" My excitement sounded like obsessive desperation.

"Is that how you've answered your phone since our arrival?" Togami sighed. "Caller ID exists for a reason".

I pouted, falling back onto my bed, "Can I help you with something, Togami?"

"You're attending your father's show tonight, correct?" I could hear the shuffling of papers and scratching of writing; his focus wasn't even on the conversation! "Karen, I need a 'yes' or 'no', so I can finish this paperwork without your nagging presence on my mind".

'He's been thinking about me?' My breath hitched at the sound of his serious tone, "Uh, yeah. Yes," I stammered, heat washing over my neck and face.

"Well, at least I won't be wasting my time," he sounded relieved. "I'll see you tonight, then". 'What?!' He quickly hung up, leaving me absent-mindedly staring into the sea of 'I have nothing to wear'. I continued to toss every dress and skirt ensemble out onto the bed and floor until one of the maids entered carrying an attire bag.

Zipped into the knee length, royal blue silk dress, I grabbed my black Chanel purse and clasped the matching black heels on before descending the stairs. My mother touched up my hair and makeup before allowing me to slip into my coat. This was the first time my designs were being presented alongside my father's, making this show a determining factor for my career. Even in the dimly lit showroom, Togami and I spotted each other, nodding from opposite sides of the room just as models were walking down the runway.

Shortly after, I wound up engulfed in conversation with visiting designers, who chattered endlessly about my father's previous work. Past the group of designers, I could see Byakuya standing near our conversing parents. I slipped away and managed to sneak next to him; under proper lighting, I realized how...well-coordinated our outfits were. In place of his usual cross-tie was a royal blue silk tie tucked properly beneath his black suit jacket, "New tie?" I asked, chuckling nervously.

Byakuya's eyes glanced up and down, examining the dress, "Blue is a flattering color on you". Even as he glanced in a different direction, I noticed the blush spotting his cheeks and giggled.

"Ah, Karen! It's a pleasure to see you again," Mr. Togami greeted me, offering a slight bow; I curtseyed in return. "Preston, she's outdone herself this season!"

I couldn't tell whether he was giving a genuine compliment or simply appeasing my father's pride. However, my father paid no attention to the implications and laughed, "My daughter still has much to learn". His hand engulfed my shoulder in a firm grip, "But yes, she is exceeding our expectations". Our mothers shared a knowing expression with each other, laughing in nonverbal agreement. I winced at the praise, wishing Byakuya would stop staring at me.

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