Uncertain Relations

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While tempted to talk to Byakuya about the scene he created, it was probably best to leave him be for the time. No one cares to be badgered relentlessly, even when their position was...harsh. While waiting for my coffee to finish brewing, I picked at a bag of chips from the pantry. I attempted to use my right hand but quickly learned that applying any kind of pressure resulted in severe muscle spasms.

"You shouldn't push yourself," I jumped at the voice, whipping around to find Makoto standing in the doorway.

"Tu m'as fait peur!" (You scared me!) I pressed a hand against my chest, noticing my racing heart.

"Sorry? Um...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, maybe talk?"

After what happened this morning? I raised an eyebrow, "If you want to be associated with the 'pre-blackened'," I returned to dumping sugar in my coffee.

"No one thinks you'd kill someone!" Makoto raised his voice, a mix of outrage and concern.

I sighed, "I wasn't referring to only me". Makoto didn't respond. "Is that part of the reason you want to talk?" I leaned against the counter, taking a long sip.

"I just want to get know you better," he shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He's so open; How did someone like Makoto get stuck in a situation like this? I could ask anyone that question and not receive a single satisfactory answer. Maybe this was all a cruel twist of fate.

"Do you believe in fate?" I asked.

Makoto stared at me, clearly confused by the out-of-context question. "I've...uh...never really thought about it. Do you?"

With everything we'd experienced over the past few days, I would've said no. How could I when we were trapped in a twisted 'game' like this? But when I thought about Byakuya. I smiled, "A little".

We sat in the dining hall for most of the day, talking about nearly anything that came to mind. Makoto wasn't an avid reader but had decent taste in music and a younger sister that he deeply cared about. "The three of us should hang out after we get out of here," I beamed. "The closest thing I've ever had to a sibling was Byakuya". It was odd to say that, especially after what happened yesterday. The conversation lulled, leaving the ticking of the clock above us as the only sound.

"That reminds me...," Makoto broke the silence. "What Fukawa was talking about earlier, was she telling the truth?"

I nodded, "Except the part about me seducing him. I know Byakuya comes off as distant and, well, awful but...". I couldn't lie and say He wouldn't kill someone; maybe not with his own hands, but Byakuya would be the type to order a hit on an enemy. "But in our situation, I don't think he'd kill someone".

"You 'don't think' he would?" Kirigiri joined the table, focusing her scrutiny on me. "For supposedly being as close as Fukawa made you sound, you don't sound reassured".

"One kiss doesn't...," Mean anything? "We agreed to get out of this place alive. Together". I feigned confidence, crossing my arms and straightening my back against the chair, but the doubt was already planted. I never once questioned our agreement nor why Byakuya was interested in me. We hardly knew one another on a personal level yet he supposedly decided to arrange us together. I pardoned myself, waving goodbye to Makoto. I couldn't wait any longer to speak with Byakuya.

I had felt confident in approaching him. Until I was knocking on his door; I started to pace waiting for Byakuya to answer. "Karen, what's wrong?" I hadn't even heard the door open over my pounding heart. He ushered me into his room and listened as I explained what happened after he left the library. "Let the imbeciles believe what they want. I've decided to turn my focus to the Mastermind," Byakuya glared at the security camera. I sighed; talking clearly wasn't going to work, but I couldn't give up just yet. I pressed his arm flat against the table and gripped underneath his jaw. I grimaced at the jolt of fear that crossed his face, "What are you doing?"

"Proving a point," I released his arm and relaxed my grip to a caress. "You're not invincible. I don't want to see a photo take your place in the courtroom". I didn't want to experience what Makoto had with Maizono; I couldn't handle finding Byakuya....

"You won't," Byakuya took my hands and kissed my forehead, "I won't let anyone separate us". I let the doubt from earlier slip away, wrapping my arms around Byakuya's waist and burying my face into his chest.

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