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Between sips of coffee, Byakuya and I busied ourselves with sifting through the archive. Only after I spent nearly an hour bickering to let Byakuya take a look for myself. "You'll just have to take extra precautions to protect me when we get out," I told him, slightly sticking my tongue out with a smile. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the shelf in front of him. I read countless files about various serial killers, CEOs', and confidential information from several government organizations. None of which had been the file I truly cared about.

"Looking for this?" Another confidential file hung from Byakuya's fingers. The embossed letters spelled out "Fenrir: Mercenary Files". I reached out to grab it, but Byakuya pulled the leather portfolio just out of reach.

"Hey, don't act like a five-year-old!" I stood up, jumping to reach the file. With a sigh, I propped a hand on my hip. "On what condition can I read it?"

"Don't run off and try to investigate. Kirigiri might be able to slip under the mastermind's radar, but you wouldn't". The file still hung in the air, his raised arm slightly bowing now.

"Do you think I've lost my mind?" I grinned, but his stoic face didn't soften. "I promise not to run off and get into trouble," I stubbornly agreed, albeit rolling my eyes. Byakuya still didn't lower the file. "Really, Kuya, why are you so worried?"

"Because you don't take promises seriously. You promise to stay by my side, then promise to stay away from me to Kirigiri". In any other context, I would shrug it off and say he was over-analyzing again. But he wasn't saying this out of pure pettiness, rather cautious uncertainty.

"I said I was sorry," I folded my arms, turning slightly away from him. "I'll leave the investigating to Kirigiri. I promise this time". Byakuya finally opened the file, letting me sift to the page I needed. Staring down at the black star tattoo, I traced a finger over the shape. "A black wolf and star. The mercenaries would tattoo this anywhere on their body?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Remember that black haired girl with the combat boots and military gloves?" He nodded. "I think she had this under one of her gloves".

"You still don't recall a name?" Byakuya shut the file.

I shook my head, trying to rack my brain once more for one. "I stopped having the dreams a while ago. But you saw how Monokuma, or rather the Mastermind, reacted to Nagito's name. We've clearly forgotten something". Thinking back to last night, I patted my pockets until I heard the distinct crinkle of Monokuma's note. I had to talk with Monokuma.

"What's wrong?" Byakuya watched my face flicker with creases and wide eyes.

"I must've forgotten my handbook in my room. Let's go have dinner and I'll grab it while we're downstairs". I could see the twinge of confusion in his face, but he relented nonetheless. 

Passing the others felt as if I were marching on Death row; their gazes were lethal injection. Doing my best to not look in either Fukawa or Kirigiri's direction, Byakuya and I ate dinner in the kitchen. My mind stayed focused on the paper in my pocket, the image of Nagito and I kissing swept through my mind. Nothing about the scene made sense and I couldn't risk straining matters more by flashing the note around. Rather than talking, we focused on the group next to us. They had been talking before we entered the room, but all conversation halted afterward. "I knew it," I muttered.

"They're planning," Byakuya added.

"The only one who could most likely get away with murder is Kyoko. It's Fukawa I'm concerned with, though". Byakuya and I shared an expression of discomfort. I wagered making a deal with Monokuma if one of the stipulations required him to tell me what the others were planning, but I didn't want Byakuya to be involved. With no reason to hover behind the scenes, we finished eating and rejoined the group in the dining area. Byakuya and I did our best to keep our focus on the door ahead of us.

"Hey," Kyoko called out. We stopped just in front of the doors, partly turning around. "What was written in the note Monokuma gave you?"

Every nerve and muscle in my body tensed. "It was just a page from the sketchbook he stole". My ability to lie wasn't a strong suit of mine; Byakuya glanced in my direction but didn't question me.

"Then, you wouldn't be reluctant to show us," Kyoko smirked. Everyone's eyes, including Byakuya's, were on me.

Tucking my arms behind my back, I gave a quick shake of my head, "No. You've all seen the pages before. No one would benefit from it". The aura of suspicion filled the room. I didn't want to explain this note to the group or Byakuya. Thankfully, he seemed to hold onto his promise; Byakuya's gaze returned to Kyoko's.

"So, you admit to hiding something," her smirk vanished, replaced by troubled creases of frustration.

"Byakuya, is it actually a page from the sketchbook?" Makoto asked, pulling the gawking glares away from us.

"Why bother asking him? You know he'll just lie," Hina stared past Hiro, but Makoto kept his eyes glued to Byakuya. At that moment, I prayed Hina would be right. Makoto was only digging the hole I had started even deeper. The longer Byakuya took to respond only made matters worse.

"Then I won't bother to answer," he placed a hand behind my back and directed us out of the dining hall. In a matter of minutes, Byakuya was locking us in his room and began pacing. "What the hell is going on?"

I bit my lip, staring into the blank lens of the security camera. I pulled the note out of my pocket. "I didn't forget my handbook. I wanted to speak with Monokuma alone, but now I don't have a choice," I hissed the last few words, unable to not curse Kyoko for her incessant detective work. "Monokuma, let's talk".

"Finally made a decision?~" The bear appeared as ominous and cheerful as always.

"No. We need to discuss stipulations now that I'm forced to involve Byakuya".

Byakuya put a barrier between Monokuma and me, "Cutting a deal with the very individual who has barricaded us here? I'm starting to think you have lost your mind". I shoved the note into his hands, waiting for the same confusion that surged through me to surface in his eyes. "Karen, what-"

"I don't know. But you do," I turned back to Monokuma. "And I want answers. Now, since Byakuya knows and Kyoko is suspicious, what do you suggest?"

"You're willing to risk your life just for information? How...military of you," Monokuma teetered on his feet, humming over his thoughts. "I've got a better idea! Let me iron out the details and I'll give you a ring~" Monokuma disappeared once more, leaving a trail of hysterical giggles behind.

"Great. Just dug my own grave and still have made no progress," I huffed, letting my body flop back onto Byakuya's bed.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Byakuya asked. "Lying to the others I can understand, but to me?"

"I didn't lie about anything. I didn't even want to get you involved," I shook my head, cursing Kyoko and Makoto once more. I sat back up, shrinking back at Byakuya's furious glare. The glare only lasted seconds compared to the tired disappointment that washed over him. "If this is about what the note, I-".

"No, you insufferable woman. Do you recall what you agreed to in the archive this morning?" The 'insufferable' comment stung a bit, but my regret to not remembering is what made me stutter. "You promised that you wouldn't go and investigate on your own or get into trouble. But what do you go and do? Make a deal with the Mastermind because you can't control your impulsive stubbornness". I could hear his breath shake with every sigh he gave. "Do as you please. I won't get in your way," he turned his back to me, leaning over his desk. I took his stern tone as my cue to leave. I left the note and every shred of dignity I had behind his locked door.

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