Final Class Trial?

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I jolted awake, bolting up in a pitch-black room. "No," I shuddered. I wasn't prepared for another surprise "where was I?" game. Feeling the plush sheets around me, I guessed I was in my room. I clicked my handbook awake, illuminating my fabric scrap covered desk. "Oh, thank god," I sighed, almost relieved to have woken up in Monokuma's domain. Monokuma. The Mastermind. The rush of adrenaline and horrifying reality resurface.

"Ready for the class trial?" the familiar high-pitched voice giggled. Although my throat was dry, the highest pitch scream erupted from me. "Geez, tone it down, will ya?! Your scream is probably the most obnoxious one I've ever heard!"

The door slammed open and the ceiling light illuminated the room. Byakuya barged in, "What the hell are you doing in here?"

"You left the door open," Monokuma shrugged. "I should be allowed to visit my poor friend in need".

"I would never be caught associating with a psychopath like you!" I removed myself from the covers, wobbling on my feet. "You killed our headmaster, tricked us into killing each other, and snaked your way into my mind. No friend would be such a despicable creature".

Monokuma stood there, watching me seethe. "You really are pitiful. I think you're the only one here that I have felt any pity for".

"I didn't ask for your pity," I mocked.

"Didn't ask for your permission," we watched Monokuma walk towards the door and it click shut behind the bear.

"Now that you're awake," Byakuya sighed, "we need to get going. The trial is about to start".

"What?! We had fifteen hours left!"

"And you fainted outside of Enoshima's room fifteen hours ago. Makoto and I carried you here and continued investigating".

"You let me sleep for fifteen hours?" I gawked.

"Neither Makoto nor I could manage to wake you up. I was beginning to fear that Monokuma would have to interfere," Byakuya crossed his arms. "Anyway, we need to go," he offered his hand. "Are you ready?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" I took his hand, squeezing tightly. "No, I'm not ready, but I'm not giving up. I won't stop until the Mastermind is overthrown".

"Declaring anarchy is becoming your motto, Karen," Kyoko stood in the doorway. "I'd be careful with what you say".

"You're telling her that now?" Byakuya ridiculed. "There's no use in telling the Ultimate Princess to watch her mouth, not with her past," he grinned at my pouting face.

"Unfortunately, that title is already taken," I gloated. Byakuya and Kyoko stared at me in fascinated confusion. "However, I'll gladly accept the title of "Ultimate Heiress" instead," I giggled at their collective eye rolls.

"I'm finally beginning to understand the fundamentals of your relationship," Kyoko quipped, turning back down the hallway.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I called after her.

"I'll explain after the trial," Kyoko paused. "And don't worry about your lack of involvement," she added, continuing onwards. 

The trial doors awaited us, standing mere feet away. Kyoko turned before entering, "Can I ask both of you something?"

"After witnessing what happened upstairs?" Byakuya defended.

"I'm well aware of the consequences, being that you may not answer," Kyoko glanced at the red doors. "What caused you to faint?" Her lilac eyes bore into my silence.

"I've already explained that," Byakuya stepped in. "She pursued investigation in the dorm rooms. After searching Enoshima's room, the shock of being shot finally registered and she fainted".

Kyoko's hard stare narrowed, quickly retracting. "Yes, but you didn't describe what it was she saw. When I attempted to check for myself, Enoshima's room was locked," she crossed her arms.

I blinked in surprise, "Did you check the other rooms?"

Kyoko rose an eyebrow, "No. Why?"

"Maizono's room opened earlier, "I explained in a hushed voice.

Kyoko glanced between the both of us, keeping an arched brow directed at Byakuya. "What would be in Maizono's room that would be relevant to this case?"

Byakuya shrugged, which only confused Kyoko more. I didn't understand why the Mastermind had locked the doors. What else had she covered up after Byakuya and I had witnessed the evidence' existence? Why would she shoot me in front of everyone, if that only confirmed I was being forced?

"One other question. The attempted murder in the library," a shiver trailed down my spine at Kyoko's phrasing. "What inspired that?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I was checking the library for any trace of Alter Ego and...Toko came in shortly after. She was so bitter and angry from the very beginning," I paused. I could still see the rage in her eyes through the gleam of her glasses. She had been shaking, and for once not from anxiety. "I said a few things she misinterpreted and then she came after me with Syo's scissors".

Kyoko began to nod slowly, "Thank you for clarifying the situation". She turned around, opening the door. "Let's not waste any more time."

I stared at the detective, catching the door behind her, utterly dumbfounded. "Is this how Makoto feels?" I whispered.

"He doesn't allow time to process his voluntary submission to Kirigiri, so I would assume not." Byakuya stood beside me in the elevator. Besides a trembling Toko in the corner, everyone's eyes were burning into each other.

"What's going on with everyone?" I whispered.

"Didn't you go see Monokuma's hint?" Yasuhiro asked.

"What?" my eyes shot open. "No! What hint?"

"Don't worry about it until the trial," Kyoko cut in, shooting a glare at Hiro. My eyes remained wide open, taking in every manic and scared expression in the elevator. What did Monokuma do? What lie did she put in their heads? The metal cage slowed to a halt; the ding of arrival jolted me back to cruel reality. The others trickled out, standing by their podiums. I hung back, well aware of the feeling of failure resting in my gut.

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