When in Rome

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All I wanted to scream was no. Defend that we wouldn't indulge the mastermind any longer. But the burning anxiety and uncertainty in the room only filled my throat with smoke. I could feel Byakuya's hand slip into mine, which only made Monokuma laugh more. "See? How thoughtful of me, right? Well, have a nice day!" Just as before, he hopped his bear body out of sight.

"What the fuck...," I muttered. There was finally a way out. The two of us finally had an escape; we just had to lay the route down. I shook my head; no, I can't bend under their will. Not now, I thought, forcing myself to turn around. Everyone's eyes laid on Byakuya and me, "Stop staring at us like that. The Mastermind is just laying another trap!" I pointed a finger at Byakuya, "Don't even think about it".

"As if you haven't already. That's why you hesitated just now," Kyoko said.

"Please, no, it's not like that! The mastermind has something against Byakuya and me or something!" My legs were shaking. If I had been worried about Toko framing me as a traitor, I had gravely underestimated my enemy then.

"Monokuma does seem to have a habit of picking fun at you," Kyoko's narrowed gaze didn't soften. "Would you happen to know why?"

"Don't ask me questions you know I don't have answers to!" I was back to day one. Trust was absent and my back was against the wall. No, I can trust one person; I tightened my grip on Byakuya's hand. Toko watched our every move, more hatred and annoyance in her eyes then I noticed before. "If you can't trust my word, then I can't trust any of you".

"Do you think we would let the two of you stay together? With a motive like that?" Kyoko stood up, leaning over the table.

"How do you intend to separate us?" Byakuya matched Kirigiri's posture, mere inches from her face. "You've managed to snake your way into her mind once. I have no intention of letting you anywhere near her alone".

"She doesn't have to be alone. Are you okay with being alone again, Karen?" Kyoko asked, her eyes locking on mine over Byakuya's shoulder.

My shoulders locked in place. "No. But I won't be. If I'm with Byakuya, I'm not alone".

"So you're going to depend on him again?" Hina joined Kyoko's side.

I slammed my hand down onto the table, "I don't need commoners like you telling me how to live my life! I've spent my entire life being yanked away from him and I'm not going to let anyone get in my way! Not anymore!" Hina shrank away, but Kyoko stood her ground.

"Monokuma was right," Kyoko said.

"What was that?" The words verbalized more as a growl than simple irritation. I stole a glance around at the others, "Whatever. You're just saying that to get under my skin. Let's go," I said, taking Byakuya's arm. I caught Toko's irritated glare once more before the dining hall door slammed behind us. 

Byakuya and I sat in his room, staring off in our thoughts. Now that we were made prime suspects, the target was definitely painted on our backs. Of course, we couldn't be the only ones. Sakura and Hina could get out together. Maybe Kyoko and Makoto. But Toko...would want Byakuya to herself. I didn't want to kill someone to escape. Would Byakuya really try to go through it, knowing the risk? "Would you like to go to the library with me?" He stood, waiting for a reply.

"What about the others?" I said, feeling the syllables slipping away slowly.

"If we're together, we'll be fine," Byakuya wrapped a hand around my shoulder. "Even if they try to kill one of us, there would still be a witness".

"Tell that to Hifumi and Taka," I grimaced.

"Those two were naïve imbeciles. Karen, I told you before that I won't let anyone separate us again. I will ensure that we escape together".

"Without killing anyone?" I asked, watching his expression stiffen.

"Karen...," he started with a sigh. "Don't take after Naegi and put blind faith in these idiots. They've already turned on us in the past. Who knows when one might spring into action?" he stared at me until I closed my eyes and heaved a pitiful sigh. Grabbing coffee and lunch on the way, we retreated to our usual seats in the library.

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