Puzzle Pieces

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I led Byakuya straight to the fifth floor, aiming for the classrooms. "What are you looking for?" Byakuya asked, watching me open the doors with extreme caution. I tried to signal that it wasn't pleasant with a disgruntled glance. Rounding the corner, we came to classroom 5-C. My hand shook as I tugged on the handle. The overwhelming stench of death violated the air around us. I couldn't remove my eyes from the chalk outlines. "Why would the Mastermind leave this room untouched?" Byakuya watched his step as he entered the rancid room.

I clutched the side of my head, "How long...do you think this has been here?"

"I would suggest," Byakuya paused, taking in his surroundings, "possibly six months to a year".

The headache grew into a migraine, "No, it's been longer". Byakuya offered his hand, guiding me through the room. The faces of student council members flashed before my eyes with each throb in my temple. "The beginning of-".

"Ah-ah! No helping, remember?" Monokuma's presence startled both of us. His red eye flared in the doorway.

"I already know about your agreement and I was the one who established the terms. Why are you restricting her from speaking with me?"

"You're the addition by choice. I still decide how she plays the game," Monokuma explained. We turned to each other in disbelief. I couldn't believe that we over-looked a simple loophole like that. "Oh, but don't be discouraged! Feel free to investigate in mental isolation!" Monokuma cheered, then disappeared. 

After gathering all we could from the crime scene remnants, Byakuya and I scouted the remainder of the floor, starting with the bio lab. I grimaced at the word scrawled across the metal door, feeling the icy air seeping through the frame. Having barely cracked the door open, I stepped back with a strangled gasp. I shouldn't have been surprised that the Mastermind had built a morgue, but picturing everyone's faces, mangled bodies, and remaining parts laying in iceboxes. "Twenty-four all-access, right?" I asked, more so repeating to myself.

"Don't," Byakuya stared at me. "There would be no benefit in seeing their bodies again." I didn't respond as my feet carried me towards the farthest door, fingers meeting the chilled handle. With a turn and pull, a covered figure lay atop a tray. "Karen," he warned me. I persisted, pulling the tray out. Gingerly pulling the sheet away, Sayaka's eerily peaceful face 'stared' up at me. The freezer had preserved her well; she looked as if she had died only yesterday. I replaced the sheet and returned her body inside. The door vacuum sealed with an aggressive hiss.

"Is there a step ladder in here?" I scanned the room. The silver side handles gleamed in the corner close to Byakuya. Begrudgingly, he brought the ladder over and allowed me to continue.

"Would you like me to step outside?" he asked.

"No! You need to be my witness," I climbed to the top row of doors. "I know that's cruel since it's freezing in here and I'm...doing Kyoko's job. Again. But, please," I begged. Byakuya nodded and waited by the door, watching me open door after door. Leon, Chihiro, Taka, Hifumi; I glanced at everyone, but stopped on Celeste. Her mangled hands were seemingly bare without her gambler's ring. "You know, I never quite understood why she gave me her ring. She told me she had it specially crafted with the life savings from a German prince she beat in a game of poker."

"Why do you think she gave it to you?" Byakuya asked, slowly approaching the tray.

"At the time, I thought it was because of the display I put on after the trial. Now, I'm not sure". I pushed the tray back in, my hand lingering on the closed door for a moment. Standing back, I counted the blue lights, 'Junko isn't here'

"You're not going to open...Enoshima's?" Byakuya's eyes focused on where mine were. I could see his lips counting, counting names to bodies, and then recounting. A piercing scream echoed through the hall, pulling us out of the bio lab. 

We burst into the greenhouse, finding Toko fainted beside...I covered my mouth. "Who is that?" Byakuya asked. The masked figure was dressed in the exact outfit I had been wearing last night, with the combat knife jutting out from their chest. Was the Mastermind warning me? Did I already violate a rule? "Karen, are you okay?" Byakuya held my arms, shaking me gently out of my mind. I hadn't realized he had been trying to talk to me. I shook my head, paralyzed in knowing that I couldn't say or explain anything. The minutes ticked on with no body announcement, striking a red flag between Byakuya and I. Once I could move, Byakuya and I moved closer to the body, allowing me to kneel beside it. I lifted a cold finger to examine the fake red nails. I motioned to lift the mask; Byakuya took hold of my wrist and pointed to a thin red wire rest on the individual's neck.

"What happened?!" voices rang out, accompanied by a thunder of footsteps.

"Who is it?" Hina gasped.

"Well, let's find out, shall we!?" A hysterical voice cheered. Genocide Jill stormed past, lunging for the mask. Before I could lunge after her, Byakuya had already lunged onto me, shielding me from the blast. Toko flew off into the vegetation, while the force knocked Byakuya onto the ground.

My ears rang, deterring the yelling around me. I scrambled to his side, the warped stone pathway cutting my knees. "Are you okay?" I asked, resting a hand on his cheek.

He nodded, blinking slowly for a minute. "The body...".

I glanced back; everyone was huddled around the now soaked corpse. "Unrecognizable," I sighed.

"Except the hands, right?" he asked. I didn't deny it, so he nodded again. I helped him to sit up, waiting for his vision to straighten out. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Thanks to you," I smiled and gently kissed the side of his face. "Is Toko okay?" I called over my shoulder. Hina ran over, helping Fukawa to stand and gave me a thumbs up. "I'm not going to be useful here. Not with Kyoko around".

"Where did you want to check next?"

"If they were serious about all-access, I can think of a few places that should be fair game," I nodded to myself.

"Hey," Kyoko called. "You two were here before us. What happened?"

"You saw what happened," I said, pointing at the smoking body.

"Why did you start on the fifth floor?" she asked.

"Why did you start where you did?" I retorted with a twinge of sarcasm. "You don't need to suspect everything we do, you know?"

"On the contrary. I still lack information as to why you decided to make this deal with Monokuma". Her choice of words caused my throat to tighten, my eyes widened at the indirect accusation. "What's the matter?"

"We need to continue investigating. Can you and Makoto handle this?" She paused, narrowed her eyes, then reluctantly nodded. Helping Byakuya to stand, we made a calm, but quick exit.

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