A New Beginning (End)

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When the machines stopped, Junko's body was a mangled mess. She no longer resembled the girl we once knew or thought we had known. When she had willingly pressed the red button, a part of me wanted to lunge at her and break the stupid machine. I wanted to destroy even the simplest of satisfaction she could feel. But letting her die was easier. Watching my former best friend die should have stung, even sent a crippling sense of loss through my spine. But no, I watched like the others and felt nothing. When the metal box dropped on Junko, her blood spat back and speckled my face. Blood even coated the outside of the button to unlock the door, which didn't phase Kyoko.

The elevator ascended for the final time complying with our desire to leave. We walked in silence, our footsteps echoing in determination for the exit. The metal vault door, still locked and armed, stood. Taunting us, challenging our decision to leave. "It appears we've reached the end," Kyoko said.

"Yup! Now we can move forward with our lives!" Hina beamed. "I mean, I don't know what's out there, but I'm sure we'll manage," she said, looking up at Sakura. Everyone was making our victory into a prolonged goodbye.

"Even if we go our separate ways, don't hesitate to ask for help," I said. We exchanged smiles and look toward Makoto. It was time to greet the new world, no matter how awful it had become. I clutched Byakuya's hand, reinforcing the reality that we had both survived. The guns lowered, bright lights and alarms flared. The polluted air violated our lungs, hardly breathable, yet people stormed the entrance. I watched the others step outside, but my feet were glued in place.

"Karen?" Byakuya was still holding my hand, confused.

I shook my head. My entire body felt attached to this horrid place. I looked back, thinking of the morgue. Of Junko's discarded corpse in the basement. "We have to go back for them. They deserve better than being left here". Byakuya gawked at me, clearly startled by the sudden abstinence. He glanced back at Makoto and Kyoko.

"We'll handle it. What floor are they on?" A man wearing a black suit and sunglasses directed a small team.

"The fifth floor. The bio lab on the fifth floor." I stammered. They ran past us, "and the basement," I murmured after they were out of earshot. Byakuya squeezed my hand and coaxed me through the door frame. Another team directed us towards the closest helicopter; we took our seats and were immediately flown to Future Foundation's headquarters. 

We were given a basic run-down of Future Foundation's purpose and our eventual roles in the organization. "You want us to rescue hostages?" Toko asked.

"I assure you that your role will be more than simply rescuing victims. Division Fourteen, your division, will be the essential mainland contact between us and the public." Munakata explained, without a trace of emotion. No matter how 'reassuring' his words were meant to sound, I could tell the Munakata wasn't interested in any of us. "However, your first task is to re-adjust to a stable environment and regain your lost memories. Gekogahara and Kimura will take the necessary precautions from here," he said, nodding at the Division leaders.

We were mandated to have a physical examination and mental evaluation completed. We went one by one; when one finished the physical, they went into Gekogahara's office. Makoto was the first to go, followed by Hiro, then Sakura, and so on. When my turn came, I shuddered. Byakuya placed a hand on my shoulder, "You'll be okay".

"Oh, so, you're the optimistic one, now?" I smirked.

Byakuya's forced smile didn't mask his worry, "One of us has to be".

Seiko turned back around to face me after I finished re-dressing. "No signs of internal bleeding or severe organ damage. You're quite lucky," Seiko nodded. She paused and looked at my grim expression. "I'm sorry. I meant...anyway," she coughed, "I'm going to prescribe a psychostimulant to ensure proper brain function. Despite your external wounds and scarring, the damage from your fall is the worst." She handed me two bottles of pills with handwritten labels.

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