New Years (Pt. 2)

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Back in Sayaka's massive bedroom, I sat at the end of her canopy bed watching the chaos. Everyone was rushing around, helping each other with hair, makeup, and securing their kimonos. As I finished securing Kyoko's braided ponytail with several decorated pins, she informed us that the boys would be meeting us at the festival instead of driving with us. "How much time do we have, Mukuro?" I asked, trying not to rush my intricate work.

Pushing her long sleeve aside, the soldier glanced at her wrist watch, "Only a few minutes". Hearing this, those who weren't fully ready started to panic. Celeste rushed to finish curling Sayaka's hair as Sayaka was touching up Hina's makeup.

"C'mon bitches! Our limo is waiting!" Junko adjusted the fur collar of her vibrant red kimono. Turning off curlers and straighteners, tossing makeup and clothing aside, we piled into the extended cab and left only five minutes late. 

"We take turns with the music next time!" Hina groaned, helping Mukuro step out of the limo. While Junko's taste wasn't as bad as Hina complained, listening to mostly to The Pussycat Dolls and Spice Girls made me glad the care ride was over.

"Heeeey!" Makoto jogged over, careful to not trip over his sandals. Jogging along with him had been a slightly taller and genuinely excited girl. "This is my sister, Komaru. She's been wanting to meet everyone since our first day," he chuckled. Komaru rushed over to Sayaka, stuttering over her excited words about meeting her favorite idol. "Where's Fukawa?" he asked, glancing around.

"Where do you think?" Byakuya pointed over his shoulder; if I tilted my head the right way, I could see the glint of her glasses in the distance. Kyoko and I shared a knowing glance, recalling our conversation about Toko's habits, and chuckled to ourselves. Letting the others pass us, Byakuya walked beside me; his black and dark green kimono nearly knocked the wind out of me.

Assertive and elegant; it suits him well. "So, this is why you picked dark green," I tried to hold my smile back. "Will we always coordinate like this?"

"Only when you can't figure out what to wear," he sighed, as if he were actually annoyed by this new habit. We stayed with Sayaka and Makoto as everyone split off into their pairings, stopping a few times at the various booths lining the shrine grounds.

"Let's go to the shrine," I said, tossing my empty takoyaki container in the garbage.

"I didn't envision you as religious," Byakuya arched an eyebrow.

I shrugged, "I'm not, but I like to pay gratitude for every sign I've received throughout the year". I smiled up at him, locking eyes. Staring directly at Byakuya was unusual for both of us; he was the first one to look away and hide his blushing surprise behind adjusting his glasses. Makoto and Sayaka could barely contain their snickering, having to cover their mouths and turn away.

The crowd seemed to fade away as I closed my eyes and brought my hands together. Thank you for the amazing friends I've made and all the memories I've shared with them. I pray for their well-beings and hope we continue to prosper in good health together. I opened an eye, feeling a slight nudge and warmth against my arm. Byakuya stood in the same stance as me, eyes closed. Seeing him this relaxed was a refreshing sight; I giggled and closed my eye again. May love find and support us into the new year.

"You two fit well together," a familiar, meek voice whispered.

My eyes flew open; Nagito stood next to me, pretending to pray. I engulfed him in a tight hug, squeezing my arms around his waist. "Why didn't you respond to any of my calls or texts?"

He shook his head, giving me a sad smile. Nagito glimpsed at Byakuya, who was clearly irritated by this display. "After I saw the photos, I acted...indecently," Nagito's gaze fell to the ground. "But...she could never be mine. Isn't that right, Togami?"

Byakuya narrowed his eyes, "I never said she couldn't see anyone else. That's...for Karen to decide," his jaw stiffened, almost speaking through gritted teeth. It was painful to see the hurt written on Byakuya's face.

"Komaeda!" two figures raced over to us; I quickly untangled myself from him and stood beside Byakuya. Nanami and a brown-haired boy rushed over and started complaining to Nagito about running off without them. The other boy half-heartedly punched Nagito's shoulder but looking genuinely concerned.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Hajime!" The sadness vanished from Nagito's face, replaced by wide, excited eyes.

I should've been angry that Nagito cheated but I had missed that bright, hopeful expression and understood that I was no longer the one to bring it out. Although Nagito was being scolded, the bickering felt endearing. I tapped Hajime's shoulder, forcing him to stop prodding at the feeble teen. "Take care of him, okay? He's quite the handful," I giggled, feeling somewhat guilty that tears were brimming. Haijme's shoulders slumped slightly as he heaved a sigh, glancing at Nagito. But the Reserve Course student simply nodded, leaning his head against Nagito, who's head was perched on Hajime's shoulder. I nodded at Byakuya, signaling that we could go.

"Togami," Nagito's voice stopped us from building any further distance. I recognized the protective gaze he was giving me, but he spoke with a smile.

Before Komaeda could open his mouth again, Byakuya held his hand up. "I don't need instructions from the likes of you," he glanced back at the trio. "I'll ensure she's cared for. I stake the Togami name on that". The heir offered his arm to me. I slipped my hand through the opening, gripping around his upper arm, and waved farewell.

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