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The dining hall was quieter than normal; "Is there any chance we can enjoy eating together without...this?" Nagito gestured to the invisible glare between Togami and me.

"Yeah, seriously. All I feel is your sexual frustration," Junko poked at her food. Everyone at our table stared at her with a mix of disbelief and irritation.

"I don't think you've ever made a joke that repulsive before," I pushed the remainder of my dinner away, suddenly having lost my appetite. Nagito kissed the back of my hand, ignoring Junko's comment. "Anyways, I'm sorry for this. I try to ignore him...".

"Don't be sorry. He started this...feud?" Nagito looked at Kyoko, who nodded in agreement. "Your friends watch out for you when I'm unable to," Nagito glanced back, catching Togami's eye. The brief eye contact made Togami narrow his gaze; it almost felt threatening.

"Don't test him, Ko, please," I whispered, blocking Togami's view of my mouth with my hand. The grin that spread across Nagito's face was unmistakable; he wanted a challenge. Making sure Togami had clear view, Nagito leaned in and planted a firm, passionate kiss on my lips. Junko choked on her drink and burst into hysterical laughter, while the others gasped and waited for the scene to unfold.

"Togami, don't!" I heard Makoto yell.

Hot liquid splattered onto the table, droplets pelting my face. Wiping my eyes, my mouth dropped at the sight; Byakuya had dumped his coffee over Nagito's head and stood triumphant behind him. The dining hall had fallen dead silent and every eye was on us. "I shouldn't have to repeat myself to a commoner," Togami spoke calmly, smirking.

"How immature," Nagito sighed. He wiped his face with his hoodie sleeve and stood inches from Byakuya's face, even if he had to stare slightly upward. "What do you honestly expect to get from acting out of jealousy?"

"To make the point that you're not worthy of standing beside Billotte," Togami spoke just above a threatened whisper.

"And you say my taste is impaired?" I pushed my way in between Nagito and Togami. "From where I'm standing, you could never treat anyone with the compassion that Nagito has. Just because our parents are friends, that doesn't give you control over my life!" Taking a hold of Nagito's hand, I headed for the exit. "One more thing," I glanced over my shoulder.

"What?" Togami growled back.

"They should change your title from 'Ultimate Affluent Progeny' to 'Ultimate Envious Prick," I shook my head, "If only your father could see how you've been acting".

"Likewise. I wonder how your parents would react to you sleeping around with trash," Togami scoffed.

I froze; Nagito slowly turned to look at me, glancing between me and our classmates. Most of the students in the dining hall were no longer watching, rather they avoided watching the ugly scene. My heels echoed, filling the silence, as I retraced my steps. I'm several inches shorter compared to Byakuya, so I had to crane my neck back farther than Nagito. "Admit it, you envy Nagito and the things I've done to him," I muttered.

Togami leaned closer to my face, "I would never- ".

I cut him off, clipping his jaw with my knuckles; the dense crack ricocheted off the walls. The steady tap on the floor made me realize that my knuckles were bleeding. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and left Togami to recuperate on the floor in awed silence. 

Nagito stepped out of my bathroom, drying his freshly washed hair. During the walk back to my room and while he was in the shower, Nagito enthused about how I handled the situation and 'how I used my emotions to my advantage'. I tried to get his attention, again and again, but his excitement drowned me out.

"Oh my-Nagito!" I finally got him to look over at me, putting an end to his endless complimentary speech. "You're not off the hook either," I said, tucking my hands on my hips. "What you did was exceptionally petty and is what caused the entire situation".

"But Karen, he's learned to not bother us anymore!" Nagito tried to explain that what he did was for the best.

"No, no more fighting, Nagito. Let me handle Togami from now on," I squeezed his arm, hoping he would understand. He hesitantly nodded and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, burying his face into my hair.

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