Missing the Mark

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The more I heard Monokuma's voice, the less angry and more annoyed I became. Instead of a psycho killing machine, it was like listening to an annoying younger sibling that we could berate and despise without consequence. Groaning, I flipped the covers off of me and sat up.

"Where are you going?" Byakuya's words were partly muffled by the pillow, but I could hear the slight whine in his voice. He loosely wrapped a hand around my wrist, eyes barely parted open.

'I wish I could take a picture right now!' I giggled, leaning over him, "Going to the meeting in your place". I pecked his cheek and slid off the bed, taking his grunt as indifferent disapproval. "I'll meet you in the library with coffee, okay?" I caught his slow nods before shutting the door behind me. 

Everyone had already assembled in the dining hall, even Fukawa, who continued to acknowledge my presence with a glare. The only one not surprised to see me was Naegi. "Don't look so surprised," I chuckled, rolling my eyes at the group. Waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, I took a seat next to Makoto.

"Did you talk to him?" Hina asked, leaning over the table with wide eyes.

'Not really...' I hesitantly nodded, "He's more focused on the Mastermind now than playing their game". I struggled to ignore Kyoko's narrowing gaze.

"So he was serious about finding an alternate way out," Sakura cocked an eyebrow at the sentiment. I should've expected that they believed him to lie; on the contrary, Byakuya found lying to be an utter waste of time.

I left the kitchen cautiously, hyper-focusing on carrying the tray with our coffee. Within seconds, my arm began to shake, and the muscles pleaded to give out. "Here, let me take that," Makoto smiled.

"Thank you...," I sighed, partly irritated with myself yet relieved that my arm stopped trembling.

Spending time with Makoto was strange; any time I was around him felt uplifting, even if we didn't speak. How he handled the trial, losing Maizono, I admired him. "What is it?" he stared curiously.

My cheeks flushed, "Oh! Uh...n-nothing. I was just thinking about how different you are to Byakuya".

He laughed, "Togami's pretty different compared to all of us, really".

I shook my head, grinning, "True, but you're missing my point. You're friendly, understanding, and uplifting to be around". I covered my snickering at Makoto's flustered expression. "Was I too forward?"

"No, no! I mean, I'm sure Byakuya has plenty of good traits too".

"Careful, or else the others might accuse you of playing devil's advocate," I stopped in front of the library doors. "I guess I'm not one to talk though," I opened the door for us, immediately catching Byakuya's attention. Neither spoke as Makoto quickly set the tray down; I thanked him again before he rushed out.

Between sipping coffee and flipping pages, Byakuya and I sat in silence into the afternoon. "When did you become close with Naegi?" his question caught me off guard; I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"We talked for a while after what happened...with you". The room was shrinking at the memory. If I hadn't known better, I would've said that Byakuya was asking out of jealousy. "He fits the 'average guy' description perfectly, but he seems to care a lot about his younger sister".

Byakuya set the book aside, puzzled. "Have you thought about having a similar conversation with me?"

"Is the esteemed Byakuya Togami, dare I say, jealous?" I curled my lips, swallowing my laughter. He let out a harsh 'tch' and snapped his book back open; I recoiled at his reaction, thinking we had come to an understanding for when we were joking. 'Maybe I don't know better', "I didn't mean...". I hesitated in reaching out for his hand.

"To compare me with an imbecile?" He shot a glare over the rim of his glasses. "Devil's advocate?" I winced, 'Me and my dumbass, loudmouth'. "Look," he sighed, "I don't care what you discuss with the others but remember that you're on my side". Byakuya returned to his book; I watched his eyes scan the pages.

"I have thought about it," I murmured. Byakuya glanced at me in confusion, "To have conversations like that, I mean. I wouldn't know where to start, though". There was so much we knew about each other already, yet we were strangers.

"Where did you live in America?" Byakuya leaned back in his chair, using his hand to support his chin.

"A penthouse in New York City. I don't think any city compares to how crazy New York City can be," I shook my head, chuckling. I told Byakuya several stories about my time spent in America; he didn't ask that many questions, but he listened to my dramatic story-telling. When I started talking about Paris, however, Byakuya was more familiar with the setting. "Oh wow! It's eight already?" I stood up, stretching my back and legs. "We should grab dinner before the dining hall closes".

"Before that," he reached for my hand, "I'm surprised to not hear of anyone besides your family. I expected you to have multiple friends". Friends, the word sounded foreign coming from him.

I grimaced, "Uh...yeah. I had a couple of acquaintances, but those stories are boring," I chuckled and waved the thought away.

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