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"Psst! Hey, wake up already!" A voice harshly called out through the dark of my room. The sudden illumination made me bury my face into my pillow. "Come on, we don't have all day". Bracing my eyes, I craned my neck to glare at the monochrome bear.

"It's five in the morning. What the bloody hell are you doing waking me up this early?" I leaned back onto my elbows.

"I have my first assignment for you~," his paws clapped in glee. "Go to the second-floor boys' bathroom and find a doorway in the supply closet. From there, bring your little friend to the Data Center". Monokuma waited for me to gather myself as I struggled to regain full consciousness.

Little friend? I stared at the bear. "What about Kirigiri?"

"Everyone is fast asleep. I triple checked!" Monokuma puffed out his fur-coated metal torso. "Now be back before the announcement plays". Once he was gone, I sat in brief silence.

I'm doing this for all of us. I took a deep breath and rushed out the door, glancing at everyone's door as I passed them. I stopped at Sakura's door, staring at the pixelated nameplate. What had gone through her mind when she agreed to work with the Mastermind? Surely, it had been easier, knowing everyone was strangers to you. But...her reason felt justified, yet she still regretted it. No! I can't back out now! I shook the thoughts away and pressed on. 

I continuously glanced over my shoulder, fearing anyone would see me as I entered the restroom. In the far back, I opened the door to the supply section and stood stupefied. I saw nothing that could register as an entry point. Holding my hand just in front of the tiled wall, I felt a faint draft. With the slightest tap of my fingers, the wall caved in and swung into a doorway. As the green screen of Alter Ego illuminated my vision, I understood; I was to steal the source of our information. <Hello! Have you found anything new?> I typed.

<Ah, yes! I think I have, but where are Kyoko and Makoto?>

<They've sent me to retrieve you!> I forced a smile at the computer's camera. There's no telling how advanced Chihiro had programmed this thing, and I wasn't about to take any chances.

<Oh! Well, in that case...> The computer paused, opening a few documents. <I've found class rosters, staff member files, and confidential Hope's Peak Academy documents> I waited in baited hesitation to see if Monokuma would spring and snatch the laptop from my grip. Without the faintest indication of his arrival, I sat at the desk and scrolled through the numerous documents. Unfortunately, most had been uploaded already censored; I found more blacked-out paragraphs than legible information. Izuru Kamakura Project? Ultimate Despair? What the hell was all of this? I stopped scrolling at the sight of the assumed Izuru Kamakura; a black-haired young man with startling red eyes stared back at me. Details of his identity and relations were blacked-out, but a strong sense of sorrow still bloomed in my chest. 

Moving on, I glanced through the numerous older class rosters. 35, 36, 37... I counted through each of them, recognizing multiple of Byakuya's siblings throughout the documents. Class 74, I halted; a woman with brownish-red hair gave a charming smile in her student photo. Chisa Yukizome, the Ultimate Housekeeper. Graduated from Hope's Peak's 74th class and returned two years later as the 77th class' homeroom teacher. I scrolled on, pausing briefly to glance over the faces of the 76th class; Seiko Kimura, Ruruka Ando, Sonosuke Izayoi were expelled during the Examination Period after alleged involvement with the attempt to bomb the testing area.

"What kind of school were they running?" I muttered, finally getting to the 77th class roster. Shinobu Togami, Class 77-B, I shot up from the chair. "The Ultimate Secretary?" I counted the number of times the surname Togami appeared throughout the rosters, <So, seven of Byakuya's siblings attended Hope's Peak?> I typed furiously.

<Actually, according to the Junior High Division rosters, there was also a Takaya Togami. He's known as the Ultimate Agitator> I couldn't help but doubt they were only scouted due to their connection to the Togami family, but I pushed the thought to the side. I grew focused on the names and faces projected before me.

Nagito Komaeda, 77th Class Ultimate Lucky Student; Chiaki Nanami, 77th Class Ultimate Gamer, the list continued on to include faces that tugged painfully at my brain. <What happened to the other students? Why are we the only ones locked up?>

<I'm sorry, but I don't have that information> Alter Ego's face saddened, depicting pixelated tears in their eyes. I sighed but carried on to finish reviewing the last document; the 78th class roster, our class. Karen Billotte, the Ultimate Fashion Designer; I was glad that Makoto had been right after all. Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, could they have given him a less ego-centric title? A sad smile crept across my face scrolling past the ones who've died. However, Junko's picture confused me; her eyes were more open, the freckles were nowhere to be seen, and her figure was fuller. My confusion only lasted until I met the dead-pan stare of the black-haired girl; Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Soldier. Once more I was greeted by black boxes scattered across Junko and Murkuro's files. Glancing at the clock, I nearly choked from how much time had passed.

<Sorry, we have to get moving. Make sure to be quiet, okay?> I barely gave Alter Ego a chance to respond before shutting the screen and unhooking the network cable. 

I moved at the fastest pace I could without slipping on my socks. Arriving at the data center, I found the door to be unlocked. My mouth fell open at the sight of all the monitors. I could see who was awake or asleep; Hina and Sakura were already awake and working out while everyone slept. Seeing all of the other rooms as abandoned as nighttime made them seem surreal. The monitors were arranged by floor, from the first-floor dormitories to what I assumed was the fifth and final floor. "What is that?" the words fell under my breath.

"Another secret you'll get to uncover~" Monokuma appeared behind me, covering his always half-grinning face behind his hands. "Anyway, did you learn anything? Did you find the answers you so desperately wanted?"

"Barely. Most of the information was blocked out, but I'm assuming you already knew that," I grimaced, holding the laptop out.

"You assume a lot. Almost as if you don't trust anything anymore. Maybe not even yourself?" I could hear a strange undertone to his laughter, a chuckle that sounded almost human. "No questions? You're just handing this thing over to me?"

"Ever since I met you in the gym, the way you talk is obnoxiously familiar. The words you use, the mannerisms, your intolerable nature makes me grind my teeth," my vision had unfocused, looking at nothing in particular. "Where are the other students of Hope's Peak? And Mukuro Ikusaba? Isn't she in our class?" Monokuma's laughter grew steadily into insanity. "I didn't expect you to answer," I shook my head. "Anyway, what now? I just betrayed everyone by bringing Alter Ego here".

"Wait for further instruction and let the current motive carry out," Monokuma's claws secured the laptop firmly in his hands. I watched the monochrome bear carry Alter Ego through his personally marked door. Before the door shut once more, a red-nailed hand reached out and waved to me, with no chance of catching a glimpse of their face. I grabbed the doorknob, twisting it to turn only for it to be locked, Junko?

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