Men, Women, Children and Wanted Wagons(AmbergrisJane)

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Men, Women, Children and Wanted Wagons

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Men, Women, Children and Wanted Wagons

Happy? No.

Gyn was ecstatic.

With AJ and Loren's return

She's back to her old habits

Less work for her indoors

More work outside

More customers to chat with

Tease 3Gun, if there's still time

Her morning started early

Dropping orders, getting paid

Last stop to Tent City,

Then back to the cafe

She walked along the railroad tracks,

The quickest route to take

She whistled loudly as she walked

When someone called name.

She turned and saw the sheriff

And a man sprawled on the dirt

She saw the man was beaten

There were blood stains on his shirt

"Is he dead, sir?" She asked.

"No, kid, But he's gonna be,

Unless the good doctor

Gets in here real quick.

Chechi was here awhile ago,

And I was about to ask her,

But she seems to have wandered off."

Gyn grinned naughtily

"Ai, sheriff.. So you were with Chechi, eh?

What were you about to ask her,

Were you asking her on a date?"

3gun's palm flew into his face,

"Gyn! Now's not the time or place!

Will you just run back to town

And get the doc and his wagon?"

Gyn grinned wider

but she took it seriously

"Sorry, sheriff. I'm on it.

You can count on me."

She wasted no time,

Sprinted across town,

She found Doc U.B quick,

And told him what happened.

"C'mon Gyn," the doc said,

"You're driving today,

The faster we get there, the better,

You know the way."

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