The Grand Hotel (lyttlejoe)

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The Grand Hotel

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The Grand Hotel

Lotta and Satchel were both excited

it was almost as if he'd been knighted

The hotel was changing to a palace

and hoping not to sound too callous

It was looking like a sure thing money machine

It was red around the top and all painted blue

Grand Hotel in white - the name that was new

Casino was ground floor, a magnificent sight

and would boggle the town on opening night

and the new hotel rooms were fit for a queen

The Liberty Belle was waiting to get started

hoping to clean up before it departed

The official welcome was still waiting for Lorne

Talulah and Denver were beginning to mourn

They knew the casino was nearly completed

It could hold more people, it was much bigger,

more people, more money- not hard to figure

They needed to get their welcome on track

if it failed then they wouldn't back

and all the grand plans would wind up defeated

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