The Awakening of the Senses(NehPetsEnal)

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The Awakening of the Senses

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The Awakening of the Senses

Okay Missy, no more sadness or recrimination.

So, what do you say, shall we make that leap of faith today, just say the word and I'll get a message to Rue, asking her to arrange a meeting?

There is another option we could do it alone, I have a good reason, she has been performing a private task for me, that I would expect to be finished, but I'm not sure how, if the pouch I gave Rue is still full.

Barton today is perfect, but out of respect we should give Rue the option and let her choose whether she wishes to be involved. After all, she is a wise woman and is currently best informed on the approach. You send the message and I'll get dressed, nothing fancy, just as casual as I can be.

Meanwhile, huddled in their cabin, were Colon and Jhonny, he was secretly teaching the Kid how to play Black Jack, Poker and a few other things, none of which Missy would approve. However, Denver chooses to turn a blind eye, knowing it was better to learn it here rather than below decks with some more skanky members of the crew.

Denver yelled for Jhonny, who came running from his cabin thinking he'd been caught out, expecting a lambasting. What a relief it was to see a relaxed Denver stood by the handrail looking over the town. The Kid was soon off to track down Rue and pose the question, the message back was short and sweet. I would love to but have other more pressing matters requiring my attention, pop by the Grand Hotel on your way through and if possible, I will accompany you.

They left the boat afoot, Missy wanted to get a close-up view of the place their daughter had chosen to call home. They disembarked and strolled arm-in-arm along the wharf adjacent the rail track and behind the school toward the road into town. On reaching the road the first thing she saw was the Chapel that filled her with delight, bringing a beaming smile. Denver didn't think she could look any more beautiful, but he was wrong. Even though she'd chosen to dress in simple clothes by her standard, her tight black leather pants and knee length boots caught the eye. Strolling along she smiled and waved to every passer-by, spreading her delight wherever she looked, leaving a stream of happiness behind as she passed by.

She even had time to say hello Unger and a quick introduction to the Doc, who'd just had his feathers ruffled by a rather abrupt Sheriff, who was insistent on doing his job.

"Look here I'd rather be drinking a limoncello, whilst swinging from the hammock in yonder Lemon Trees, just let me do my job, you've saved his worthless life, your work is done."

Denver had been feeling tentative about what she was about to see and if by magic she turned to him, taking him by the hand she whispered, you needn't have worried my love, I've seen this all before and being here allows me to share its atmosphere in the flesh. On the surface, it simmers with a constant chain of trouble and confusion, but beneath the surface flows the lifeblood of these people who are strong and good, if the core is not rotten the flesh wounds can be healed.

Rounding the bend by the Saloon, Denver stopped and pointed out the Newsprint Shop and told her about CG, she's very feisty and talks a lot, you'll like her I'm sure, she enjoys a bit of banter. As they cleared the corner the magnificent sight of the freshly decorated Grand Hotel came into sight. "Very impressive, she said, Rue is a determined young woman."

The Black Diamond Forge was just out of view from the couple as they approached the hotel, but Missy was, well aware of its presence and her senses were already detecting something way beyond her expectation.

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