Chapter 1.

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I'm alright with a slow burn, taking my time, let the world turn.

I stand in front of the large collection of books, stacking and moving them around to better organize them. I let out a sigh as the titles begin mixing into each-other, causing a headache to grow. I run a hand through my long auburn hair and give myself an affirmative nod. "You're almost done." I murmur to myself as I continue working through my pile.

The music hums in the background, reminding me of my warm home of Texas. I smile to myself as I continue my task of organizing. I hum along to the Johnny Cash song and begin to tap my foot to the beat. I grab a few books and climb up the ladder, reaching to put them in their place by the non-fiction section.

I hear the bell on the door ring, and I turn my head to the oak entrance. I notice a familiar blonde man standing in the doorway, sending a goofy grin my way. "Morning, darlin'." I smile at him and climb down the ladder, reaching for my orange pekoe tea that's sitting on the desk. I take a sip and watch as he walks over to me, smile still smeared across his face.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I ask him kindly as I set my tea down and begin to fidget with the stacked rings on my hands.

Jax looks down at his feet and then back at me, quickly analyzing the large collection of books. "My kid gets out of the hospital any day, and I wanted to get him a little something, you know." He tells me and I nod.

"Perhaps a book?" I tease him. Jax chuckles, nodding.

"Yeah, I guess one of those things." He says as he walks past me and begins to head towards the children's section. "I thought I'd come to the best spot in town, get the right opinion."

I feel my cheeks warm up, "Flattering." I tell him softly as I continue behind him. "What kind of book are you looking for?" I ask him, looking for clarification.

The man shrugs, his leather cut crinkling with the movement. "Something I can read to him for a while, some father-son bonding time." I nod and walk past him, reaching out for a few of my favorites. I hand them to him and watch in admiration as he reads over the titles, thinking of the shared moments he'll have with his son.

"My mom used to read me that one." I tell him as he picks up the blue cover, "I'll Love You Forever."

"I'll like you for always, as long as you're living, my baby you'll be." He finishes the line and looks up at me. "I remember Opie getting this for his kids when they were born. I heard him read it to 'em a few times." He tells me.

I smile, "I think you'll like that one in particular." I point to the colorful cover, "Just Like Dad." I read out the title, "It's a cute book, and I'm sure your son will idolize you, just like any boy does his father." I compliment the friend, "And then this one seems to be the most popular, Oh, The Places You'll Go! A lot of parents get it for their kids and eventually gift them down the family tree."

Jax nods, "I think I'll take all three of them." He tells me happily as he turns towards the desk. "I knew I came to the right place."

I chuckle, "Well, I'm glad to be of assistance. I'm sure he's going to love the books. I know I did."

"Abel, his name is Abel." He tells me of his son.

"That's a very strong name." I tell him, "Was he born quite recently?" I ask as I begin to ring in the books.

Jax shakes his head, "Nah, kid was born with a ton of health problems. He got the lucky trait of mom's heart problems. He's been spending his time in a toaster in the hospital." I let out a sigh and notice a frown appearing on my face.

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