Chapter 28.

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 "I just don't understand, Gemma, how'd she get those letters? Hell, I didn't even know Jax had them, I don't even think Jax knew, so how'd she get into his house and how'd she find out about them?" I vent to my future mother-in-law. We haven't announced our engagement to anyone yet, but Gemma was the one who bought the ring so she's aware of our next step as a couple.

Gemma shakes her head, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." She tells me confidently. I feel my heart plummet into my stomach. I look at the matriarch with fear and anxiety and she sighs, knowing exactly what's going through my head. "I don't think he slept with her, Kacey." She tells me, pulling me into a hug, "He's been crazy about you since he was 16." She says before kissing my head. "We'll figure this out, don't worry."

I just nod, "Yeah, I guess." I sigh, running a hand through my long auburn hair, "Just, let me know, yeah? And if you need anything, give me a call." I tell Gemma and she nods.

"I'm going to go to the clubhouse and then I'll pay a visit to our favorite doctor." She says before giving my shoulder a quick squeeze and looking back at her granddaughter who's sitting her play pen. "I'll call you if anything happens."

I nod, and with that, the woman walks away, leaving Sadie and I alone in the bookshop.


Gemma storms into the hospital, searching the halls for the familiar doctor. Gemma was going to get answers, and she doesn't care about how she must get them. Those letters are dangerous to the club, her husband, and herself. She comes around the corner and her eyes spot the doctor's office. Without thinking, Gemma barges in, shocking the doctor as she sits at her desk. "In the middle of something?"

Tara shakes her head, "No, just finished surgery. I'm just doing paperwork." She tells her ex-mother-in-law. Gemma nods and walks over to Tara, tossing the scribbled note on the desk.

"Found this in Abel's coloring book, but haven't been able to find the letters that this note is talking about. A fly on the wall told me they were with you, so I'll give you two options: give them to me, or I tell Jax you broke into his house to find anything to blackmail me with."

Tara looks up at Gemma and chuckles, "What makes you think I was there unwanted?"

Gemma glares at the brunette, shaking her head, "You wouldn't, he wouldn't. He had Kacey, and he wouldn't have the time to fuck anyone who wasn't Kacey without someone noticing." Tara shrugs with a sly smirk on her face and Gemma feels her pulse increasing with anger.

"How'd you get those god damn letters, and where are they? What're you hiding from me?"

Tara stands up, facing the woman. "Why don't you ask your son why I was at his house, in his bed when he got back from Belfast? And then, ask him about those letters. I don't think he knows how much dirt is on you and Clay in them, and I'd love to show him all about i-"

Before Gemma can prevent it, she slaps the doctor, glaring at her. "You will not destroy my family, doctor. Those letters from John Teller would be very painful for my son to read."

"You're just trying to save yourself, Gemma. That's all you care about." Gemma looks behind the doctor and sees a leather messenger bag with paper sticking out of it. Without thinking, Gemma darts around the woman and grabs the papers, holding them closely to her chest. "Don't!" Tara shouts at Gemma. "Gemma, I'm serious!"

Gemma chuckles, "Or what, you gonna' kill me, Doc?" and with that, Gemma rushes out of the office, cruising down the hallway until she gets to her car. Gemma would be an idiot if she gave Jax all the letters, but she sure as hell was going to give him the ones that would benefit her. Little did Gemma know, Tara was more than willing to risk everything to get Jax back, or to destroy the matriarch. Her threats wouldn't be empty ones.

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