Chapter 19.

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I sit in the hospital room with Gemma as she heals from her attack last night. She sighs, looking over at me, "You don't have to babysit me." She tells me, angry that no one said anything to her about Abel.

I sigh, rubbing my temple, "I do because you're family, and I'm not letting you sit here alone in this hospital room while you're handcuffed to a damn bed." I tell her sternly and she raises an eyebrow at my cussing.

"Holy hell, is there something in the water? Are you sick? Full of spunk now, aren't you?" She teases me and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Just fed up with people and their bullshit." I tell her truthfully and she laughs once more at the sudden change in tolerance and personality. The door opens and Clay walks in, closing the door behind him. Gemma sighs, looking over to her husband.

"Bail hearings at 5." He tells his wife as he bends down, kissing her forehead.

"Where do you drop out?"

Clay shrugs, "Not sure. I'm hoping Unser can help. We just need a few days, need to figure out a way to Belfast." He tells her, looking over at me.

Gemma sighs, "Can you go commercial? Fake passports?"

He shakes his head, knowing it's not that easy. "No, we'll be fugitives with photos on file." He tells her, "I'm going to reach out to Oswald." Suddenly the door opens once more, revealing a taller, older woman dressed in a nice dress and high-heels.

The woman smiles at all of us before resting on Gemma, "Good morning. Everything okay?" she asks the woman.

Gemma nods, looking over to me. "Lowen, the club lawyer." She informs me and I nod. "It's alright. I get lonely." The matriarch admits to the lawyer. Lowen chuckles and Clay looks over at her.

"They doing this interview now?" he asks and Lowen nods.

"Yes, soon. I spent all night wrestling with the US Attorney's office. They've agreed to take the death penalty off the table if you plead guilty to the two murders."


I look between the two women in shock. So what? Gemma is supposed to take the blame and sentence for a murder she didn't even commit!? Bullshit! "One thing at a time, Gemma."

I shake my head, feeling myself wanting to puke. "This isn't right." I tell them as I stand up, feeling dizzy. I reach for the wall to sturdy myself and Clay rushes over to me, grabbing my arm to hold me up.

"You alright, kid?" He asks and I nod, taking a deep breath. Needing to take a break from this.

"I-I'll be back, Gemma." I tell the woman before rushing out of the room and down the hall.


"My super was impressed with Luke, put me back on the Irish. Limited basis." I look over to the woman and nod, glad that our plan is working out.

"You're welcome." I tell her as I light a cigarette in the comfort of my own home.

"I've convinced him that I need SAMCRO out of jail right now but getting through the country is going to involve a lot of favors." Stahl tells me and I shrug, not caring how it gets done.

"Not my problem." I tell her sternly and she sighs, nodding.

"No, but this is." She hands me a piece of paper. "Gemma's statement about what happened with Polly and Edmond at the safehouse." I shake my head in confusion as I take it, looking over it quickly.

"Wait a minute, this... I don't get it."

She chuckles, "You don't have to. Just make sure your mother feeds the details back to us. If you want her clear of this homicide, get her on board." She tells me and I nod, knowing I don't have another choice. "I'll make sure that we keep you out of jail for a couple of more weeks." And with that, she walks out of my house, shutting the door behind her.

"Shit." I murmur as I read over the sheet before sitting down on the couch, letting out a sigh. I hear the door open once more and I look over to a confused Kacey. "Hey babe." I greet her softly and she walks over to me.

"Why was she here?" She asks, unaware of the deal I've made with Stahl. I sigh once more before putting my cigarette out.

"It doesn't matter, Kace." I tell her sternly and she crosses her arms, tapping her foot on the hardwood. "Shit."

Kacey sighs, "Please tell me it's not what I think it is." I raise an eyebrow for her to continue, "You didn't make a deal with her, did you?" I sigh and Kacey's head falls. "God damnit."

I stand up, "I didn't have a choice. It's for my mom. I won't let her take the fall for this bullshit. I'm keeping my mom out of jail. She won't survive in there, alone, without visitation rights." I tell Kacey, trying to defend my actions. She just sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"What will the club do when they find out? Won't they kill you?" She asks me, "I've seen this on shows, and every prison joke is about not being a rat. You know, snitches get stitches." She tells me and I sigh, resting my hands on her arms.

"It'll be fine. They'll know I'm doing it for my mom, for the club. She's keeping us out of jail for a couple of weeks so we can find Abel. I don't have another choice, Kacey, please, just trust me."

Kacey sighs, "Yeah, I trust you."


We drive back to the hospital to give my mom her 'statement'. We walk inside and Kacey's stomach groans. I chuckle, stopping in my tracks and looking at her. "Why don't you grab a bite or something? Get us a coffee maybe?"

Kacey nods and I hand her some money, "I'll meet you in your mom's room." She tells me before giving me a kiss and walking away. I rush to the elevator, waiting impatiently as it takes me to my mom's room. Clay is at the clubhouse with the guys, so this is my only time to give this to her before her interview.

I walk into her hospital room and hand her the envelope that includes her statement. Her eyebrow raises. "It's your statement for the Feds." I tell her sternly and she looks back at me in shock.

"Where did you get this? Who wrote it?"

I sigh, "I can't tell you that, not yet." I point to the envelope, "This is what happened at the safe house. Point for point." I tell her and she sighs.

"This is from Stahl, isn't it? What the hell did you do, Jackson?"

"I'm protecting my club and my family."

She shakes her head angrily, "Do not get in bed with this bitch."

I give her a firm stare, "This isn't up for discussion. You hear me? Right now, you're not my mother, you're just a member's old lady, and I'm telling you that this is what you need to do to protect SAMCRO."

My mom sighs, knowing how this is going to end. "Jackson, we..."

"Mom, I need you to trust me, and this has to be our secret. Kacey knows, but that's it. We can't be telling anyone else about this, got it?" And almost on cue, Kacey walks in with a few muffins and coffees.

Kacey gives my mom a small grin and hands her the muffin while setting the coffee on the table. "I figured you could use something more than that processed shit they give you for dinner." She tells Gemma and my mom chuckles.

"Thanks, baby." Gemma takes a bite of the muffin and looks over to me, "When are you off to Belfast?" she asks me and I sigh, knowing it's tomorrow and it won't be soon enough for her to come with her prison transportation happening tomorrow.

"Tomorrow. I'll need Maureen's number so we can let her know we're on the way." Mom nods, signaling to her purse and I reach in for her phone, preparing myself to call Maureen about our arrival tomorrow. "We'll finish up coffee and then we have to go. I have shit to deal with at the clubhouse."

Kacey shakes her head, "No, no. I'll stay with your mom until her interview. You go and I'll get Noah or my dad to come pick me up when I'm done here." She offers and I nod, walking over to the redhead and giving her a kiss before doing the same to my mom.

"Alright, text me when you're home. I'll see you later." I kiss my mom's cheek once more, "I love you, Ma. Be smart, please."

Gemma nods, giving me a tight smile before watching me walk out the door. Christ sake, please let this go smoothly. 

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