Chapter 18.

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I walk into my dad's house, deciding to get out of Jax's houses after the last while. I open the heavy wooden door and walk into the large farm house. I walk down the hallway, smiling at the photos of our family, the photos where we're all smiling and hugging each other. One photo catches my eye and I walk closer to it, grinning at the photo of my mom and dad holding a new baby, Noah. They look so happy and young; my dad has tears in his eyes and my mom's smile is contagious as her red curls wave down to her ribs. I chuckle at my dad's obnoxious cowboy hat in the photo, loving how attached he is to his Texan ways.

I walk away from the photo and into the kitchen where I see my dad eating a bowl of something. I raise an eyebrow, "What're you eating? It looks healthy?" I tease him and he chuckles, taking another spoonful of the food.

"Quinoa. Whatever the fuck that is." He says with a small smirk on his face, doing his best to make me laugh. "There's some on the stove if you want any. Noah was telling me about it, and I wish he hadn't because it tastes awful." I chuckle, walking over to the table he's at and taking a seat. "How're you doing, baby?"

I sigh, shrugging. "I don't know, as good as I can be, I guess." I tell him truthfully, "They think he's in Canada somewhere. I want to go with Jax to find him."

My dad takes another bite of his food before a swig of the beer. "Well, Noah told Jax that we'd all be coming. That little man is part of our family now, and I can close the shop for a week or two. I don't mind." I look over at my dad, tears welling up in my eyes as I realize how lucky I am to have a man like him in my life. He frowns once he notices my tears and stands up, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my shaking body. "We're going to find that baby, and we won't stop until we do."

I nod, wanting to believe him. I know that Jax won't give up until he has his son back in Charming and in his arms, but how long will it take? Months? Years? I don't know how much longer I can keep thinking about the 'what if's'. I've watched enough crime documentaries to know the bitter reality of situations like this, especially one in the mess of a lifestyle we call ours. They don't show mercy, they don't care, they just want what they want, and it's usually revenge or a buck.

"I just hope he's okay and that he's safe, wherever he is."

My dad nods, rubbing my back. "He is, and he will be. He's being taken care of, I promise, Kacey." He reassures me before pressing a kiss on the top of my head. "Have you heard from Gemma?" He asks, wanting to change the subject in hopes of lifting my mood.

I nod, sighing, "Yeah, she's coming back to Charming any time now." I tell him, stressed over the mother of my boyfriend. "She's going to get locked up and thrown in jail." I tell him and he nods, knowing the situation.

"Well, maybe we hide her, keep her underground until we figure this out. Does she know about Abel yet?" I shake my head and my dad sighs, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "It's about time ya'll tell her."

I nod, "I know, Dad, it's just trying to find the right time."

He chuckles, shaking his head, "I love you, darlin', but there ain't no right time to tell a woman that her grandson has been kidnapped. She needs to know immediately, and sooner than later. You know she's going to want to go with everyone to find that boy."

I sigh, nodding. God, please make things better, please.


I sit outside as night begins to take over. I light a cigarette and take a deep inhale of the nicotine before blowing it out. I run a hand through my messy hair and sigh before holding my head with my hand. I watch as Kacey's truck pulls into the lot, parking beside my bike. Kacey and Jeff get out of the truck and begin walking over to me. I give her a sad smile and she presses a kiss on my cheek, running a hand through my hair and giving my neck a quick, reassuring squeeze.

"How're you doing, kid?" Jeff asks and I shrug, not knowing how to explain myself for the millionth time today. He nods, understanding my exhaustion and takes out a cigarette of his own. "Anymore leads?"

I shake my head, "Nope." I tell him popping the 'p'. "Apparently he's in Canada." Jeff shakes his head, not believing it.

"I highly doubt that." He tells me as he begins to suck on his own cancer stick. I continue my smoke and feel the weakness of my body, wanting nothing more than to sleep forever or go on a vicious manhunt for my son. I lean into Kacey and she sighs, holding me closely as I finish my cigarette, tossing it to the ground.

My heart stops in my chest when I see my mother getting out of a car, racing over to us. "Neeta been here with the baby? Where's Abel? I've been looking for him, I just want to hold my baby." She asks Jax, obviously under stress in the hunt for her grandson.

I sigh, standing up and she looks around, rushing over to the office to see if he's in there with anyone. "Mom!" I call out to her, "Mom! We need to talk."

Gemma looks around frantically and looks down to her pocket as her burner begins to vibrate in her pocket. I look around to Kacey who's giving me a confused look. "Who the hell would be calling your mother right now?" Jeff asks as Clay and the guys rush out of the club.

Clay rushes over to his wife, hoping to get to her before the phone-call. We all get closer to the woman. "Yeah?" Gemma answers the phone and our heart stop in anticipation. "How'd you get this number?" She asks the caller with attitude, frustration fueling her body.

"Shit!" I hiss, rushing over to her.

"Abel's in Belfast." I hear through the phone and my eyes widen as my mom gasps, collapsing to the ground.

"Ma! Breathe! Ma, come on!" I call out to her, looking around frantically, "Call an ambulance!"

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