Chapter 9.

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I walk into Jax's house, after checking in at the shop to see my dad, smelling the cigarette smoke instantly. I close the door gently behind me and follow the smoke into the kitchen where I see him sitting at the table, staring at the wood as he smokes. I clear my throat, and looks up at me, sighing, "Hey, Kace." He says softly. I walk over to the table and take a seat across from him, looking at him sadly.

"Everything okay?" I ask him and he sighs, debating whether to open up to me.

"It's alright." He says shortly.

I nod, "Anything you want to talk about?" I don't want to pry, or be a nuisance, but if this is going to work, he needs to talk to me, to feel comfortable venting. I mean, he's never had an issue with it before, so I'm not sure what's holding him back in this moment. "If it's club stuff, I'm here to lis-"

"It's a bit of everything." He cuts me off, "My mom got into a car accident a few days ago and is all banged up from it. I just, something more must've happened. She's not the same." My eyes widen, not knowing about her accident. "Clay and I are butting heads, and I'm losing my motivation to stay in the club. I'm thinking of going Nomad, you know, leave all this shit behind. I'm tired of pulling people into my shit, and into the club and risking their safety. I can't stop thinking about Weston and Zobelle, and I'm scared of what they might try next." He tells me before putting out his cigarette in the ashtray. "I should've been smarter, and I shouldn't have involved you or acted on this crush of mine."

I sigh, uncrossing my arms and relaxing into the seat. "It sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now." I tell him softly, not knowing if it's my place to offer any advice. "Your mom is probably paranoid from the accident. Things like that can really mess someone up, and all she needs is your support and love, and if you and Clay are allowing your club relationship affect your personal one, it's going to be hard to make Gemma feel supported." I tell him bluntly, hoping to God that they're doing their best to support the woman after such a traumatic event. "I don't know anything about the club, so I can't offer much advice, but whatever you choice you make, I promise to support you." I look over to the blonde and he nods, reaching across the table and holding my hand in his own.

"Thank you, Kace."

I just nod, "Of course. It's what I'm here for." I tell him honestly, "I'm willing to see where this will go, and to work towards it." Jax's eyes widen in curiosity when I mention our relationship, and a small grin spreads on his face.

"So you're really down for us? This?" He asks, his grin growing larger.

I nod, "I just want to know what this is." I tell him softly, not having a clue what we share. Jax gives me a reassuring grin as he stands up from his seat and walks over to me, setting his hands on the side of my neck as he looks down at me.

"I'm yours, you're mine. It's as simple as that, babe." He says softly, smiling down at me. I nod happily and grin in return. Jax bends over, moving closer to me before pressing his lips against mine. I smile into our first kiss and kiss him back happily. Jax breaks away and kisses my forehead, "Do you work today?" He asks, changing the subject.

I shake my head, "No, taking a few days off. My dad thought it would be a good idea to keep me out of the shop for a little bit. He was pretty upset when I told him about Zobelle and Weston." I admit, as I stand up, following Jax into the living room.

"Your dad would kill them before I even got the chance to." Jax chuckles, "No one messes with his girl."

I nod, knowing how protective my dad is of me, especially after my mom died. We were always close, but when we lost my mom, our relationship grew even deeper. We told each other everything and worked through the loss of her. Losing her was the hardest thing any of us experienced. Her cancer came out of nowhere, and none of us expected her to have such a health issue. My dad cried for weeks when she died, and I'd often hold him as he sobbed in my arms, trying to stay strong for the grieving husband. They had this plan to go travelling to Scotland when she was going to get better. He bought her tickets and everything, but she never got better, and she knew she wasn't going to.

I stand silently in the living room as I continue thinking of my mother. Words can't express how much I miss her, or what she means to me. It pains me to know she won't be around for a lot of my firsts. My first child, first wedding, and the list goes on. "You alright?"

I look over to Jax and am broken away from my thoughts. I let out a sigh and nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

Jax raises an eyebrow, "About?"

"My mom." I state bluntly.

Jax nods, "She'd be so proud of you." he tells me confidently, "She's always here, always around and in you. Don't forget that." I nod, knowing that he's right and speaking from his own experience over a lost parent. "I know it's hard, but it's true, and thinking about how much you miss her won't bring her back unfortunately." He tells me bluntly, "But thinking about your memories with her, and her life will keep her in your heart. Remember the good things, the experiences, the laughter. It's the only thing that keeps me from breaking down about my dad."

"Thanks, Jax."

He nods, kissing my forehead, "Always."

"Is your mom at the garage or home? I'm going to pick her up some flowers, and maybe share some good news about this. I feel like she would enjoy that."

Jax smiles, "She'll be thrilled." He laughs, "I think she's at the garage. She didn't want to take much time off after her accident."

I nod, reaching for my purse, "Alright, well, I'll stop by and see her."

Jax comes closer, kissing me once more, "Thanks babe. She'll be happy to see you and have another girl to talk to." He tells me. I grin and kiss him quickly before saying my goodbyes and heading off to see the matriarch.


I knock on the office door before opening it, holding a bouquet of flowers in my hand as I walk in. "Hey Gem." I greet the woman softly and she turns to me, a smile forming on her face. She definitely got banged up from the accident.

"Hey baby, what're you doing here?"

I hand her the flowers, "I heard about your accident and wanted to bring you these and check in on you. See how you're doing." I tell her honestly.

Gemma smiles, standing up to hug me tightly before kissing my cheek. "You didn't have to, sweetheart."

I shake my head before taking a seat, "I wanted to. I know you're in need of support right now, and I wanted to let you know that I'm here for it." I tell her truthfully, "And, I wanted to tell you something."

Her eyebrow raises, "Oh yeah?"

I nod, "You'll be seeing a lot more of me." I tell her quickly and a grin grows on her face.

"You and Jax finally together?" she teases, and I nod. Gemma chuckles, "I'm glad. Welcome to the family." She says, "Your mother and I always knew this would happen. I wish she was around to see it."

"Me too." I take a deep breath and look over to her, "How're you doing since your accident? Is everything healing properly?" I ask her, wanting to know if she's okay or not. Gemma's happy expression immediately dies at the mention of her accident and she runs a hand through her hair before looking back at me.

"I think I need to tell you something too, Kacey."

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