Chapter 10.

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"There was never a car accident." I look at Gemma, not understanding what she means, but I hear the pain in her voice, and I know something isn't right. Instead of replying, I just reach out and grab her hand, holding it comfortably in my own while giving her an empathetic stare. "I was raped by those men... Zobelle and Weston. His damn daughter was crying about a baby choking, so I got out of my car and when I realized that the baby was a doll, it was too late."

I'm absolutely horrified for the woman. I shake my head, "Gemma..." I reply softly, stroking the top of her hand as her grip tightens.

"They raped me one at a time, over and over, and it wasn't until they left that Wayne found me. Heard the specs of my car and went to the call, finding me in the warehouse." She tells me, a hardness in her tone. "If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead. He totaled my car for me making it look like an accident, but it wasn't."

My eyebrows knit together, and I feel tears rising in my eyes, "Have you gone to the hospital? Received any type of care?" I sure hope she has.

Gemma nods, "Tara looked after me. She got me some medication, and she knows about it. Promised me that she wouldn't say anything, so did Wayne, and now I need you to promise." She practically begs me, and I shake my head, not knowing if I can agree to such measures.

"Gemma, I can't hide something like this." I tell her truthfully, "You can't recover from this if you're hiding it from your support system. Jax and Clay just think it was some car accident, but it was something much worse, much more scaring." I sigh, "This doesn't define you, nor was this your fault. You're not weak for this, and you certainly won't be deemed weak for coming forward."

Gemma sighs, "They wanted me to tell the club to stop running guns to colour, and if I tell them that, if I tell Jax and Clay then these assholes have won, and I went through all of that for nothing. I have to be strong, that's what an Old Lady is supposed to do... Be strong, support her man and the club, I ca-"

"This is past an Old Lady's position, Gemma, you were gang raped, you were sexually assaulted and traumatized." I tell her sternly, wanting her to realize that none of this is to be put on her. "It is not your responsibility to protect this damn club, but it is your responsibility to heal and grow as a woman, a mother and a grand-mother." I clear my throat, "I'm going to help you, I will help you. I'll support you, and I'll make sure to be here for you, but one day, you need to say something." I tell her, wanting her to be honest with her family. "If not for yourself, then for your family."

Gemma sighs and then nods, "Yeah." She replies softly, "We'll see."

I shake my head, "They showed up to the shop yesterday, made a big deal about talking to me and telling me to stay safe. Now I know these guys are much worse than they seem, and that I did the right thing by trusting my gut." I tell her, "Jesus Christ, who knows what else they're willing to do to get their point across..."

Gemma's head snaps to me, her eyebrows knitting together, "Kacey, if they do anything to you, even look in your direction, you tell someone, you tell Jax or myself. I won't let them hurt someone else in this family, and I'll be damned if they try to harm a strand of hair on your pretty little head." She tells me, getting angry knowing that they showed up at my place of work. "I won't let anything happen to you, and neither will Jax. We're going to get through this." She tells me and I just nod, hoping to God that they won't make me their next victim.


I pull into the club house, parking my bike and walking inside. I see Bobby and Clay talking, and walk closer into church to hear what they're discussing. "Shut the door." Clay tells me sternly. I sigh, knowing he's pissed off. "Unser picked up two of your cum divas in a low-rent hooker sting."

For fuck sake. I shake my head, "Shit." I sigh, knowing where this is about to go, and not wanting to deal with it when I have my mom and Kacey to worry about, and those two pricks Zobelle and Weston.

"I knew getting into porn was a bad call. I want us out." Clay tells me and I shake my head, immediately disagreeing.

"Cara Cara is in full swing, and we have a lot of other directors." Bobby tells Clay, "It's not a smart call to pull out with our guns decreasing."

Clay shakes his head as I begin to speak, "It's a solid money maker, Clay."

"It's dirty and I'm done with it. Liquidate, sell if off for whatever you can." He tells me.

I glare at him, "We all voted yes." I tell him, tired with his bullshit attitude and power trip. "And if I remember correctly, you've been enjoying some of the talent at Cara Cara. You're doing this to battle with me, to piss me off."

"Shut it down!" Clay shouts at me. I shake my head angrily and walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me as I rush to have a cigarette. I fucking hate this. I look over to the office and see Kacey walking out, talking to my mom. I watch the two women as they interact, and I sigh, at least something in my life isn't going to complete shit.

I look over to Bobby who gives me a small, yet reassuring grin. "He won't win that vote, the guys love porn and pussy." He tells me, "Don't sweat it, kid."

I shake my head, "All this shit with Cara Cara and Luann is my fault. If I didn't rough up Georgie like I promised, she probably wouldn't have been found in a damn ditch."

Bobby sighs, "None of this is your fault, Jax." He tells me, "You can't keep beating yourself up over this." I sigh, knowing he's probably right, but I can't help to place the blame on myself. "Take a lap, go talk to your lady and come back when you're not pissed off." I nod, patting his shoulder before walking over to my mom and Kacey.

"Hey baby." My mom greets me before pulling out a cigarette of her own and lighting it.

Kacey gives me a small grin and I kiss her cheek, "What are you doing after this?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"Probably going home." She tells me and I shake my head, not wanting her alone with all of this bullshit going on.

"Why don't we grab a bite, or you hangout at my place until I'm back? Neeta is there with Abel, and I'm sure he'd love to see you again. You can grab some clothes and spend the night or two since you're off for a few days." I suggest, and Kacey catches my drift.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll head home and get some stuff then drop in to see my dad. Did you want me to pick up anything for dinner?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Nah, I'll grab something from the diner for us if that's cool." Kacey nods and I grin, happy to know that I'll be going home to her for the next couple of days. "Text me when you're at my place, yeah?"

Kacey nods, "Yes sir." She tells me with a chuckle before saying her goodbyes to Gemma. She begins to walk towards her truck and I grab her wrist, pulling her into me for a kiss. I kiss her gently and she begins to blush.

"You embarrassed darlin'?"

Kacey rolls her eyes playfully, "I'm fine, Jax." And with that, she leaves me alone with my mom. I look over to the woman and feel like something is different. Something has felt off since her accident, and I'm trying not to worry or overthink the situation, but it's hard to ignore.

"I'm happy to see that's finally a thing." My mom says with a chuckle, "It's only been, what, 15 years?"

I chuckle, "Whatever, Ma."

She smirks, "I'm happy for you, baby." She says before kissing my cheek, "She's much better than Tara if you ask me. She seems to love you for you." she tells me confidently, "and that's what you deserve."

I nod before looking over to my mom, "You alright?" I ask, tuning into my hunch. My mom sighs and nods.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She says before walking back into the office. I shake my head and walk back to my bike, sighing.

I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it. 

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