Chapter 3.

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"You look beautiful, stop stressin'." My dad reassures me as he puts out his cigarette in the ashtray outside of the house. I sigh, nodding my head as I stand before the door. I brush a piece of straightened hair behind my ear and take a deep breath, knowing that I look fine, but what if I overdid it? Maybe I shouldn't have made this much effort in my appearance. I look down to my feet and sigh at the black ankle biker boots that stop at where my jeans have been cuffed. I smooth out the tight black tank top and feel my bohemian kimono sit loosely over my body. "You're still stressin'." He says once more, a small smirk on his face as he knocks on the door. "Now you got no choice but to stop shittin' a brick."

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Whatever dad, I'm fi-"

"You guys are here! Come in, come in." Gemma greets us, making way for us to step into the house. She smiles to my dad, "Good seeing you, Jeff." She tells him, kissing his cheek after pulling him into a hug.

"I brought some cheesecake, where should I put it?" he asks the matriarch. She signals toward the kitchen and he nods, walking away from us as we stand by the door. Gemma smiles at me, pulling me into a hug.

"How you been, baby?"

I nod, "I'm doing alright." I admit, "Working all the time at the shop, and trying to keep afloat." I tell her, knowing that my life is consumed by the shop and my dad. Not that I mind, but I hardly make time for myself and relaxing.

Gemma chuckles, "Just like your mom. You've got to take care of yourself, make sure you're not burnt out and still trying to bust your ass. That never ends well for anyone." She tells me as we begin walking into her house. "Jax told me about your coffee date the other day. I'm glad he came back around to you."

I chuckle, "It was hardly a date, more like two friends catching up." I tell her, knowing neither of us saw it as a date, "Life just gets in the way at times."

Gemma smirks, "You never know, kid, sometimes we come back to the right people at the right time. He's always had a thing for you." she teases me, and I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. I walk into the dining room with Gemma and see the club spread out amongst each other, chatting and making jokes with one another. I see dad sitting with Clay and Tig, beer in hand as they talk about whatever. My eyes land on a specific blonde, and my heart falls slightly at the sight of Tara. Jax looks over to me, a big smile spreading on his face as he leaves his girlfriend behind to come see me.

"You made it." He says as he wraps me in a tight hug, "I was starting to think you guys wouldn't show." He admits, pulling away and watching me with a silly grin on his face.

I chuckle, "I would never stand your mom up like that." I tell him, "I miss having homecooked meals." I admit, knowing that my dad can hardly cook a thing and he'd always leave the meals up to my mom unless it was mac'n'cheese or a steak.

Jax nods, "Well, I'm glad you came for my mom and her food. She was happy when I told her I invited you guys. Always talks about you and your dad." I raise an eyebrow, wondering what Gemma says about us to her son. "Nothing bad obviously, just how much she likes you and misses you being around here and there."

"How's Abel doing?" I ask him, curious to know about his son's well-being. Jax sighs and I can see the stress consuming him on the spot.

"He's alright, I mean, he's healthy and happy so that's what matters, but it just feels forced." He admits, "This whole thing with Tara, it feels wrong and like I'm forcing a puzzle piece that doesn't fit." His eyes wandering to mine, almost begging me to wrap my arms around him to make things better.

I sigh, "Jax..."

"I know, it puts you in a weird place. I just, I don't know. Wish things were different, I guess." I nod, listening to him as he vents about his relationship problems. "Abel's here if you want to meet him." He offers, a smirk creeping onto his lips.

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