Chapter 7.

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We left the cemetery and made it back to Jax's house. I was surprised when I noticed how clean it is, but I realized that it was probably due to Gemma or his nanny. Jax had sent his nanny home and put on the kettle for some tea. Abel sleeps peacefully in his nursery as Jax and I sit in his kitchen. "How's Noah doing?" he asks me as he makes me a cup of orange pekoe tea. I shrug, reaching for the mug and taking a sip.

"He's doing good, I guess. Doesn't really talk to us much. He's in the big city now, working as an HR manager." I tell Jax, "he was so excited and ready to get out of Charming, and kind of left us here when he moved. Him and Dad had a huge falling out when Mom died, and ever since then, it hasn't quite been the same." I admit to the biker as he takes a seat across from me.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He says before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "Shit, you don't mind, do you?" he asks, and I shake my head, not minding one bit. "Noah was kind of a dick, I won't lie." He says honestly while he blows the smoke out of his mouth.

Noah was a year older than Jax, and probably everything he hated. He was a football freak and would always brag about his scholarship and the fact that he could fight anyone he wanted to. He could be an arrogant prick, but he's my older brother and he always looked out for me. I remember getting asked out on a date in grade 10, and he found the guy and held him upside down, shaking him to get his money. Protection or being an asshole? Best of both, I suppose.

"He grew up a bit tougher than I did. Dad was much harder on him, and they always butt heads. You don't have to apologize, Jax." I tell him with a small smile on my face. Our moment of silence is broken by a small baby crying. I look over to the man and go to stand up, "Mind if I get him?" I ask, wanting to hold the baby again.

Jax smiles, nodding. "Go for it, darlin'." And with that, I walk out of the kitchen, down the hallway and into the blue nursery. I smile over at the precious baby boy and run a hand over his soft hair before picking him up in my arms and rocking him to calmness. I press my lips on his forehead and walk back to the kitchen to see Jax leaning on the doorframe, watching us happily. "You two make a good pair." He says coolly, "He really likes you, Kace."

I grin up at Jax as I continue holding Abel in my arms. "I hope so because I really like him." I tell him happily, "He's the cutest baby I ever did see." I tell Abel in a cutesy voice. Jax smiles, walking over to us and pressing a kiss on my head.

"I'm glad you two like each other so much. I think there'd be a problem if you two didn't." he teases me as he stands behind me, looking at the two of us. "How about you stay for dinner tonight? We can order something, I'll make you something, watch some movies or whatever. An easy night, I'm sure you deserve the relaxation." He says with a laugh.

I look over to him and nod, "Yeah, that sounds really nice." I admit, happy that he invited me to stay longer. "What were you thinking for dinner?"

Jax shrugs as he walks over to the fridge, checking what he has. "I have a couple of steaks I can fry up with some potatoes and veggies?" he offers, "and a few beers." He laughs, "I think you could use one of those." He teases.

I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle, "That sounds perfect."


Our night progressed and I can't stop staring at her. She's absolutely beautiful and looks even better with my son in her arms. She won't stop holding him, and even when we ate dinner, she held him in her arms closely as she ate. Abel's currently asleep in his nursery as it's getting pretty late. I look over to Kacey who lets out a loud yawn as she stretches out her back. "Sleepy?" I tease her and she nods, letting out one more yawn.

"I should probably get going." She tells me as she looks at her watch to see the time. "I didn't realize it was so late." She chuckles before sitting up and straightening her posture.

I chuckle, "If you're too tired, I have a guest room, or you can crash on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch, I don't mind." Kacey shakes her head, declining my offer.

"No, no, it's fine. I should be alright to drive home, thank you though." She tells me kindly and I feel defeated.

"What do I have to do in order to get you to stay longer? I don't want you to leave yet." I tell her honestly. Kacey blushes and looks over at me, biting down on her bottom lip.

"I'm not sure."

I move closer to her and brush a strand of hair behind her ear, "Stay the night and then have breakfast with us in the morning. I'd love to do that with you."

Kacey sighs and then a small grin grows on her lips, "Fine, but your guest bed better be comfy and have clean sheets. I don't want to sleep on any old sheets that you used with others." She tells me and I chuckle.

"You're fine, I promise. They're fresh, I cleaned them the other day." I tell her and she nods, "We could put on another movie, or if you're tired, we can go to sleep." I offer.

Kacey lets out another yawn, "I should be okay for another movie, or half of one." She tells me as she sinks into my chest, letting out another quick yawn.


I wake up to the faint sound of crying. My eyebrows knit together, and I let out a groggy groan as I stretch quickly in the twin sized bed. I rub my tired eyes and look down at my body as I get out of bed. I don't remember changing into one of Jax's SAMCRO shirts, or even going to bed, but I'm glad the bed is comfy to say the least.

I quietly walk over to the nursery and notice that Jax isn't there. I walk over to Abel and pick him up from the crib, rocking him in my arms before going to the kitchen and heating him up a bottle. I return back to the nursery and continue rocking him in my arms, noticing nothing is helping him.

"I'm alright with a slow burn, taking my time let the world turn. I'm going to do it my way, it'll be alright if we burn it down and it takes all night, it's a slow burn." I sing gently to the baby. I notice he stops crying and I grin down at him. "In Tennessee the sun is going down, but in Beijing they're heading out to work. You know the bar down the street doesn't close for an hour, we should take a walk and look at all the flowers."

I hear the floorboards creak behind me and I turn around to see Jax standing there in sweatpants, his perfectly toned torso on display. "You didn't have to get him, Kace." He tells me as he walks over to us. I shake my head, knowing that it isn't an issue. "I can take him from here, why don't you go back to sleep?"

I shake my head, "I don't mind, Jax." I tell him, enjoying the baby's company and weight in my arms. Jax chuckles.

"Well then, let's lay down so we're not both staying awake while he sleeps." He says, signalling down to the sleeping baby. I nod and we walk into his room, climbing onto the large king-sized mattress as we set Abel down between us, pillows surrounding him, so we won't roll onto him, and he won't roll in a dangerous direction. I lay peacefully beside the baby and play with his hair as I watch him in admiration. "I missed your voice. It was always my favorite." I look over to Jax and smile.

"Well, I think you'll be hearing a lot more of it now." I tell him proudly, and Jax grins, reaching over to me and running a hand through my hair.

"I'll never get sick of it."

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