Chapter 12.

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I stand in the hallway of the hospital as Kacey sits inside with her dad, waiting to make sure she's fine. She pushed and pushed for us to not bring her here, but her dad wanted to make sure she was okay, plus it documents the assault and helps Wayne build a case against Weston and Zobelle for us. I sigh as I lean on the hospital wall, leaning my head back on the cool tile. I look over to the loud footsteps and feel my stomach drop when I see him.

Noah James is walking down the hallway with his douchey knitted sweater, button up and cuffed jeans. God, this guy is still a self-absorbed asshole. He looks over to me and then the number of the hotel room, and back at me. "So, your Kacey's little boy toy." He says darkly, not happy knowing that his sister and I are seeing each other. "I would rather her see a dead dog than you."

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Feelings mutual, bro, I'd rather her have no brother at all, but here we are, I'm practically your brother in law." I tell him with a sly smirk, knowing how much this is pissing him off. "Ain't you happy?"

Noah glares at me, "Yeah, that's the feeling." Almost on cue, Kacey's dad comes from the hospital room and gives Noah a big hug. "Hey, Dad. How's she doing?"

Jeff sighs, "She's fine, a little roughed up from what happened, but she'll be okay. Thank god for you coming down so quickly, I'm sure she'll feel better with the built-in house security." Jeff tells his son, "How'd you get here so quickly?"

"I took the work plane, I left as quickly as I could. I knew I should've came last night, then none of this would've happened." Noah tells his dad with a sigh, "Who is this guy anyways?"

"AJ Weston and Ethan Zobelle." I tell him, "They own a cigar shop down the road from the book store."

Noah gives us a confused look, "So what? They threaten Kacey so you guys shut down? I don't get the connection here." I sigh, shaking my head and Noah glares at me, "Wait a second, this all loops back to your outlaw biker gang, doesn't it, Teller?"

I look up at her brother and shake my head, "Listen, ma-"

"No, you listen to me!" Noah shouts at me, "My baby sister is getting dragged into your shit, and you're doing a pretty shit job trying to look after her when you have these pricks coming after her, assaulting her to get closer to hurting you." Noah grills me, "I don't know where this immortality theology comes from, but she can't be put through the shit your club lives in. You may think you're immortal, but you're not. You're going to get shot up and if she is even close to that, I'll be the person killing you."

Jeff grabs Noah, pulling him back from me, "Noah, stop it."

Noah shakes his head, "This is bullshit. Why the hell are you allowing this, Dad!? Do you not care about Kacey's safety in the slightest? He's a gang member for Christ sake!"

Jeff groans, "Noah, stop."

"No, Dad, I'm not stopping. You might be fine with her dating some biker junkie, but not me. Do you know this guy's record? How many times he's been in prison? Or how many people he's murdered?"

"I'm right here, asshole." I glare at Noah and he bites down on his lower lip in frustration.

"I don't want to see you while I'm here." He tells me and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Sorry, pretty boy, I'll be by Kacey's side the whole time."

Noah takes a deep breath and pushes past his Dad, storming into Kacey's hospital room where she's still fast asleep. Jeff sighs, looking over to me, "I'm sorry, Jackson, he has a temper on him, especially when it comes to his sister."

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