Chapter 23.

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I stand beside Jax, gripping his hand tightly as the cool night wind brushes past me. I begin to shake with anxiety, hoping that this goes smoothly, and that Abel is safe. "It's going to be fine, I promise." I hear him tell me as he presses a kiss to the side of my head. I nod, doing my best to believe him, but I continue to squeeze is hand in anticipation. We both watch as a car pulls up, stopping in front of us and the priest.

I watch intensely as Jimmy gets out of the backseat, holding a blonde baby in his hands. I feel my heart pound in my chest as he walks over to us, handing the baby to Jax. Jax takes Abel and holds him closely, rocking him as he presses a kiss against his son's head. "Hey, hey." Abel begins to fuss and I brush a hand over his head, looking at the baby and inspecting him for any cuts or bruises.

"He's a sweet lad. I wanted the good priest to return him right away. He's the one that kept him from his da, forced the situation." Jimmy tells us and Jax just stares at the man as I continue to calm Abel down, pressing a kiss to his forehead as Jax rocks him.

"Let's go, Father."

Jax shakes his head, "Wait a minute, where are you going?" He asks the priest, unsure of what's happening.

Jimmy chuckles, "Making the exchange. The only way I get out of here alive is with a hostage." He tells us and I look up at Jax and back to the priest, shocked that he'd offer his life for Abel's.

"You agreed to this? He's going to kill you!" I tell the man, shaking my head and not wanting more blood to be shed.

"Be well, my son." The priest tells us before following Donny and getting in the car. We watch as the man drives off and I can't help but look back to Jax and Abel before wrapping my arms around both of them. Jax moves his one arm around my neck as he holds his son closely.

"I'll never let anyone take you from me again." He tells Abel as he kisses him once more. "I love you, both of you." He says to his son and then looks over at me and down at my belly, "And I love that baby growing in there. This is my family, this is all that I need."

We head back to Maureen's and our world finally seems still. Nothing can disrupt our lives right now, and we're just all thrilled to have Abel back safely. When we get back to Maureen's, Abel is passed along to Gemma and Clay, as well as my dad and Noah who take care of the growing baby.

We're sitting in the living room and I'm leaning into Jax's side before Bobby walks over to us with his phone in his hand. "Jax, I think you're going to want to hear this..."


We get back to Charming and we're already in deep shit once more. Tara's been abducted by some man, and I can't help but feel myself getting frustrated about the situation. I begin stacking books, smacking them against each other as Abel sits in his play chair while we continue stocking the store. "Jesus Christ, you alright? You're going to break that desk if you keep stacking the books like that." Noah calls out to me as he carries in another box of books.

I look up to him and glare before shaking my head and letting out a sigh. "I can't even get one normal day around here. We just got back from Ireland, we just got Abel back and now he has to go rescue the damsel in distress. Why's she still so involved in his life? She probably doesn't know I'm pregnant with his ba-"

"Hold your horses, Ace." Noah says with a chuckle, "Are you jealous?" I glare at my brother and shake my head before walking around the desk and putting the books away. "Jax is just being a good guy and helping her out. I mean, it could've been you in her position, but I think we can say that we're happy it isn't."

I sigh, nodding, knowing that he's right.


I walk into the apartment and decide to change. We finally got this shit figured out with Tara, and I just want to go home and be with my kid. "Don't get used to staying here. You're going home with your son and your old lady." I turn and see my mom standing in the doorway. I nod, gathering some clothes up.

"Yes ma'am."

My mom sighs and walks over to me before signalling to the bed, "Sit down." I let out a sigh and take a seat at the end of the bed, noticing that she's closed the door behind her. "I need you to tell me what's going on with Stahl."

"Ma, we've been through th-"

"You're doing this for me, Jackson, I think I got a right to know."

She's right. I sigh and shake my head before leaning forward. "You'll find out soon enough. You have to trust me."

Mom shakes her head, "I can't protect you from Clay if he finds out, and if you got o jail with them knowing you're a rat, you'll be dead in a day. You just got your son back, you're expecting a new baby with Kacey, and you're putting everything on the line for what reason? I can handle going to jail and serving my own ti-"

"Ma, stop. Look, I promise, everyone and everything is going to be okay." And with that, I get out of the room, leaving my mom alone worrying about the next few days and how this is all going to play out. I walk out of the clubhouse and see Tara sitting in the lobby as Kacey is talking to Opie, a smile on her face as he reaches for her small belly, Abel against her chest in a baby wrap. I sigh and walk over to Tara, "Why aren't you home yet?"

Tara looks around anxiously, "I-I can't be alone right now. Can you drop me off? Or stay with me? I don't feel safe, Jax." She begs me and I shake my head, knowing I can't do that to Abel or Kacey.

"I'll get one of the prospects to watch." I tell her and she shakes her head as she reaches for my arm. I feel myself getting frustrated with her, not wanting to focus on her when my baby son just got returned to me and my girlfriend had just recently announced her pregnancy. "Listen, Tara, I don't have time for this. I just got Abel back, and I've got a pregnant girlfriend to look after." I tell her sternly and I watch as the color leaves her face.

"She's pregnant?"

I watch as she looks over to Kacey who's laughing with her old friend, joking with him and happy to have things return to normal, well, as normal as possible. I nod, "Yeah, announced it in Belfast." I tell my ex, "I've gotta' get going. She worked all day, and Abel needs to eat soon."

Tara nods, "You moved quick." She tells me and I feel my anger burst.

"You need to mind your business, and focus on yourself, Doc." I tell her before walking over to Opie and Kacey. "Take Tara home, keep watch." I tell the prospect who nods and rushes out of the clubhouse with Tara.

Kacey looks over at me, her eyebrows furrowed as she realizes my body is tense from my talk with Tara. "What's wrong?" She asks and I shake my head, not wanting to talk about it.

"Nothing, let's get you guys home." I tell her as I kiss her forehead. Opie nods and gives my shoulder a tight squeeze as we walk out. "I want a night with my family." I tell Kacey as she smiles, leaning into my side.

God knows when I'll be able to have another one with them.

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