Chapter 1

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Roses pov

As i huddled my sheets closer to my knees i cowered over to the back corner of the bed. I was still drenched from the reoccurring events of the previous night. Not caring where i was, how i got here or why i was in this strange room, at this point the only thing i gave one worry about was jack, my beloved jack i didn't know if he was here on this ship with me or down at the bottom of the deep waters dead along with all off the other poor souls.  When I tried to call out to him my voice wouldn't budge, the only noise that came out of me was a feeble whisper. Thoughts flooded my head faster than the water flooded the so called 'unsinkable' titanic. Suddenly i became extremely light headed and i stumbled out of bed trying to hold a strong hand over my mouth then I almost collapsed on the bathroom floor vomiting vigorously into the toilet. Laying there hopeless with no trudy to comfort me i was all alone. Until there was knock at the door.

It was the officer in a shining navy blue suit, nothing compared to the titanics servants outfits but good enough. Leaving the door ajar he marched over to my bed.

'Please may i take your name' he said in a kind voice.

'Rose ...... rose Dawson' as i said the word Dawson i felt a pang in my stomach, trying not to break down into tears i sat up in my bed.

'Thank you Mrs dawson"

His words were drowned out by a big commotion in the hall way, then i heard the only thing i wanted to hear my jack. He was screaming my name at the top of his lungs. As i sprinted out of bed i ran to the door like i was running a marathon. There he was my jack in cuffs. Kicking and fighting against the 4 officers that had him in their clasp. As i ran over to him i realized all good things must have a bad side. With the officers stopped in the middle of the hallway and jack still fighting to free their tight grasp i felt cals burning fingers digging into the sides of my arms screaming in pain i cried and spat at him once again just like jack had showed me.

Jacks pov

There she was my brave rose the only person who i cared about not eve knowing why i was being arrested my hand finally fought free and grabbed roses hand. 'Ill never let go' i screamed as she echoed the same words back to me burning tears fell down my face. i just wanted her in my arms to hug her tightly and never part with her. As we were ushered into roses room she screamed making everyone pause.


Then cal parted the crouds and stared at me in disgust 'this worthless gutter rat is arrested for rape of rose ..... hockly my whore of a fiancé'.

my mouth flew open 'RAPE! fucking rape i would have done none of the sort' but before i could say anymore rose fired up 'You dare call me by that despicable name and your fiancé i would be none of the sort cal, i don't care about money i care about love and i would rather be a gutter rat with jack than a royal with you stay away from me far far away'.

ruth then rudely butted in ' Rose do you not get what caledon is saying your... pregnant with a odious 3rd class boy '.

mine and roses mouth both dropped with such force we both ran to each other and huddled crying tears of happiness in a ball on the floor. nobody even tried to separate us they just stood and watched in disgust. It was the best moment of mine and roses life we both kept saying over at how we would now on have an amazing life and stay together forever ' you will be the best mother ever' i whispered into her ear she then grabbed the back of my shirt tighter and kissed me all over.

Then cal says 'part them, i want to speak with rose ....... in private, outside. now'. We were prized apart and while rose distraughtly left me to go outside where cal bullied her calling her all sort of names i was forced into the toilet but i mustn't think about wha cal is doing to rose at the minuet the only thing i must think about is getting a way out, with rose and ..... alive. So i brainstorm i get my small notepad to my pocket, still damp from the waters i manage to write a short note 'meet me in the prisons bottom deck on the right (bring money)" i left the note on the side of the sink and slicked m hair back with a bit of water so i looked more presentable. Before i knew it the 4 guards had came to collect me and take me down to the prisons.

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