Chapter 24

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Jacks POV
"Rose, I'm home beautiful"
I walked round wondering were she was I stumbled up the stairs to look for any sign of anyone, it was silent, apart from a small cry coming from the wardrobe,opening it I saw tommy with a snotty nose and big bloodshot eyes with tears coming from them. As soon as I opened the wardrobe door he leapt into my arms and I picked him up and cuddled his head into my shoulder. He tried to tell me what happened but his words were to caught up with his tears that he couldn't even say a sentence. All he could do was nestle into me and hug me. Slowly bringing him downstairs I realised that if I spoke about rose or lillia then he would start to cry, so I had to think of another way, I wasn't worried about them though they had each other and cal was in jail.

Pulling out a small croissant I put it in his hand and wiped his tears away with a clean tissue once he'd calmed down he asked me
"daddy, when's mommy going to be home"
I felt a shiver down my spine like something bad had happend, "Tommy did mommy say where she was going"
I asked him moving closer to his chair

"Well daddy we was having breakfast and lills went outside then mommy fell asleep and then lils has a fight with a very scary man then I woke up mommy and she told me to Go and hide in the wardrobe until daddy gets back and that she loves me very much and then she went outside to help lills and then they never came back"

None of his story made sense to me but by the end he was tearing up again, lifting him up I put him onto my shoulders, walking out the shop we slowly strolled down to the ice cream parlour, (Tommy's favorite place in the world) and bought him a strawberry ice cream, as we walked I thought about Tommy's story over and over in my head but it didn't make any sense.
"Ah jack is it" an old man stopped me

"Me and my wife once came and got a portrait at your shop once"

I smiled at him and shook his hand "I hate to be rude but what was all of that fuss about outside your shop earlier, there was a rich man and your wife and child all fighting"

Stopping him I interrupted "hold on, a rich man"

"Yes very rich indeed he had a black suit and slicked back hair."

My heart skipped a beat, cal, but he was in jail this didn't make sense. Running off I shouted back to the man
"nice seeing you again"
taking tommy off my shoulders I wrapped his legs around my hips, held him tight and ran back to the shop.

1 week later

It had been a week since the girls had gone missing, I phoned molly on repeat and didn't let tommy out my sight but still there was a hole inside of me, I felt empty and lifeless without her, I wanted her touch and her affection. We couldn't tell anyone, it was too dangerous, cal had the girls and could do anything to them.

It was a beautiful morning the sun shining and me and tommy sat at the breakfast table the shop was closed as it was a Sunday and the whole town was very peaceful, until a massive bang came from the front door, grabbing tommy I held him close to me and shouted
Walking in came cal, lovejoy, molly and lots of other men.
"Rose doesn't love you anymore jack, she wants to be with me now."
I looked at him with disgust and said " me and rose are married and have a family, cal why do you do this"
All of the men moved to pull me and tommy away from each other, grabbing a gun from behind me I said
"touch him and I'll shoot you"
In reply cal looked at me and opening his own suit pulled out a gun and said "two can play that game Dawson"

Heya guys I'm taking a break from this story comment and vote if I should carry on but also follow my other account ethmasmutt 👅❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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