Chapter 3

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Roses pov 

There i was standing at the top of the pungent pathway as i opened the rusty metal gate it squeaked and the wet moss on the stairs made it very difficult to walk but i still walked down with a straight back and my chest out. I had to show these guards no matter what cal said I'm in charge and i demand jack to be out. And I'm going to get what i want . 

'hello' i said in a confident voice.

'ROSE, I'm down here rose i knew you would come rose' there he was my jack.

As i started to pick up my pace down the stairs the whole eco of the dungeons when silent. As i approached jack this time i didn't run to him like a wild animal i slowly glided to the guard who as i got closer i realized was holding a pocket knife to jacks neck. 

'Hello sir , please may you put away the pocket knife it is very unnecessary, especially for a gutter rat ' i said scowling at jack 

Jacks face was puzzled as the stupid guard started messed around muttering 'yes miss right away miss' i turned to jack winked and bit my lip at him he smiled and pressed is forehead against the bars to look at me closer. I then grabbed the guards hand looked up into his eyes and said in a very romantic way. 

'If it would be okay with you could i have the keys to this ugly creatures cell' 

Jacks face smiled and i giggled in a cheeky manner. The guard then turned bright red knowing he shouldn't give me the keys before he could speak i pushed $20 into his hand and said Mr hockleys orders. He then started fumbling with the keys to let jack out.

Me and jack both sprinted up the stairs and into somewhere that nobody would find us. There it was the perfect place for us, a small room a bit like a closet you keep all of the cleaning stuff in yet it was empty. In there was a very dim light and some blankets. I scampered along to the closet supporting jack the whole way, i felt awful for him. As soon as we sat down i wrapped blankets round him and cradled him like a baby. 

Jacks pov 

'rose you were amazing, what an actress you are, i missed you so much my beautiful girl' I kept repeating the same words over and over , i would have been dead if it wasn't for her, if it wasn't for the love of my life. I stroked my hand through her red hair trying to make this moment last forever our life wasn't going to be an easy one but if we had one than we had everything that need. Rose then fell asleep her in my arms i just looked at her watched her so elegantly breathing her beautiful face her hand in my hair. Eventually i drifted off and was unsure what would happen next. 

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