Chapter 9

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Jack Pov
Rose told Mary and George everything, it was awful. Rose could barley tell it she was crying so badly. Mary and George told us that we could stay here for as long as we needed and that whatever happens they would make sure our little baby was safe. But now our worry was that cal knows we're in Chippewa falls and he will be coming for me and rose very soon but I couldn't be separated from my rose, not again not for a very long time, I couldn't do it, I couldn't let her go alone I decided that I'm going to start a job of an artist doing portraits for 10 cent a piece just like I did before he titanic. I realised that I had to be making money, I needed to be able to support my family

Mary's Pov
I feel so bad for rose her life just gets harder and harder it's so unfair that such amazing people with talents are stood on and bullied, I had no idea that rose had gone through this much and she was so strong due to the things that have happend to her
"Oh my goodness" I held a tight grasp on George's arm, I got up on my feet and stumbled to the bathroom, my hand covering my mouth I vomited everywhere in the sink, George ran to my assistance and rose tried to get up but jack pulled her back to him and sat her on his lap. We was gone for quite a while by the time we got back rose and jack had fell asleep in each other's arms jack cradling rose like a baby, he needed all the practice he could get. Me and George put a blanket over them and crept up to bed.

(While Mary and George are in bed)

"George do you think i could be pregnant again"

" I hope Mary but we haven't been trying,don't get your hopes up it could just be A little bit of an illness."

"Oh well George,I hope, goodnight"kissing him on the head we both fell into a deep sleep.

Rose PoV

I woke up early to the birds tweeting and jacks breathing lifting me up and down, I looked down at him and gave him a very passionate kiss, he really was my true love. I knew that I had to go back to the doctors today, all these past events and the baby still meant more to me than anything. So I got up got dressed and met Mary in the kitchen

"Good morning Mary"

"Oh hello rose, quite early for you to be up,
where's jack."

"Oh jacks still in bed, I thought I'd let him sleep".

(George comes down into the kitchen)

"Well hello to my beautiful wife this morning" bending down and kissing her hand Mary blushed. "And to you fine rose" bending down and kissing my hand "charmed, I'm sure" I replied with a laugh as I said this jack came in. Pushing George making him tumble over he lifted me and swung me round in the air and swooping me into a kiss. I giggled and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. I slowly dragged his hand down to my belly, a bump was forming. We both then went upstairs, we sat on the bed for a little while just kissing each other all of over  we couldn't keep our hands off each other. 

Eventually we both fell asleep again and woke up the the smell of bacon and eggs, it was brunch by now but we still ate it as it was breakfast 

"Since it's the weekend the girls are staying with their grandparents so we have the day to ourselves"  Mary said after taking a spoonful of egg into her mouth. 

"Despite what happend yesterday rose still needs a check up from the doctor to make sure everything is ok" jack mumbled. 

"Yes yes quite right" Mary answers looking over to George nervously"

So then the 2 couples hand in hand Marched out the shop and took a stroll down the sunny streets of Chippewa falls. 

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