Chapter 19

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Jacks Pov

As the doctor walked in me and rose didn't stop looking at our beautiful baby girl,
"Ah err mrs Dawson I'm not sure where you husband is but there is no visitors allowed in this room right now" me and rose both looked up extremely confused
"But doctor what do you mean my husband"
"Oh mrs Dawson the one with the dark hair and tight suit, I think he has your other child, a little boy you see, dont you remember."
"A...another baby" rose stuttered, "but, I didn't have another baby"
"Mrs Dawson I can assure you that after you passed out you gave birth to another little boy."
"And sir don't make me say it again, no visitors are aloud only the babies father is allowed in the room" as the doctor said this rose was panicking saying, my boy, my baby boy I had another baby, who took my baby. Tears dripping down her face I comforted her. The doctor went to tell me to leave for the 3rd time but I snapped back telling him "I am the father! Can you try and find this baby"
"Jack, jack its all my fault I left him and now he's on his own in the big world with no mother or father. "Jack, it's cal, cal took my baby, I know it's him jack. Help me jack help me i need to find him, I need my baby. Trying to get out of bed rose slipped her pale legs onto the cold floor, pushing her back into the beds I forced her to rest with our baby girl who we had decided to call, Lillia, a bit like the flower she had burning red Hair and beautiful blue eyes like the ocean, while rose cuddled her I needed to find my other child, my little boy was out there and I think I have a suspicion who did it.

By this point cals got back to his house and it's the middle of the night.

Kates Pov

"Ah it's nice to be home" I heard cals loud voice but then the air was suddenly filled with loud baby cries, as cal picked up the baby and threw the basket to the other room. "Maid, Oy yes you" he shouted pointing at me. "Take this baby and do what baby's need, he's mine now" I have really seen some auful things at this house even poor rose be nearly raped, Thankgod I walked In on him in time. But nothing like this cal had stolen a baby,someone's child! As I rocked the baby he had the biggest blue eyes and small blonde hairs coming off his head. As I cooed at him he giggled. I needed to find out where this baby had come from, I couldn't let cal take it so I did what i only knew, I went to the hospital.

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