Chapter 21

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2 years later

Roses Pov

Life has been so amazing now me and jack have been together, I can't remember the last time I wasn't happy or having fun, our art shop and acting classes are doing brilliantly and the twins are so beautiful, Lillian is so sassy, she flicks her burning red hair and bosses her brother round getting him to do whatever she wants, but on the other hand Tommy was a quiet boy, very humble and gentle, he wouldn't hurt a fly. And me and jack have another baby on the way, (after lots of sexy nights if you get what I mean) what can I say we were young and in love, did you expect anything less, we kept in touch with Mary and George, they gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named him Joseph! He was an adorable little thing, tiny little dot of a baby. Me and jack were also reviving regular letters from Kate, she now lives over in New York with her fancy husband who according to her "swept her off her feet in a heart beat" . As well as all of this jack proposed, to me we had the wedding of our dreams, jack in a tight suit and me in a long white gown we were now husband and wife even though we felt like it the first time we layed eyes on each other. Neither me or jack know where cal is, what prison or for how long he will be in there, but I hope, I really hope that the day he comes out he's a changed man and that he leaves me and my family alone.

Authors note: this is 2 yrs on from my last chapter and in that time life has been perfect for them it's just a recap before I go onto the next chapter where the twins are about 4 and have started school.

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