Chapter 15

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Jacks Pov

Creeping out the house early I was careful not to wake rose from her sleep, I swung my head round into molly who was having a smoke while reading a book and said excitedly
"I'm going out"
She nodded as in agreement and I skipped briskly down the stairs and put into the fresh air, it was a sunny spring morning and rose was 6 months pregnant on this date. Walking down the cobbled streets i waved and said hi to the children playing outside the sweet shop, and there it was, the ring shop, the shop I would get rose the ring of her dreams.
Ding ding
As I walked into the shop a small bell rang out and there was a man sitting at the front desk.

"Ah hello." I said putting my hands in my pockets.
"Oh my" the man said covering his mouth "jack, jack Dawson it's really you I remember when you was this small" said the old man lowering his hands to his knees to show the size that I was so long ago. As I strolled round the shop I saw a perfect ring it was silver and had tiny glass roses going round it. I spoke up
"This ring, its perfect"
"Oh young jack, perfect for who may I ask " he replied chuckling.
"My soon to be wife and mother of child"
Patting me on the back he congratulated me and said
"Jack let me make you a deal, I'll engrave something on this ring and give it to you for free if I get an invite to the wedding"
Chuckling I contemplated his offer and agreed shaking his hand I said deal.
"Jack you tell me what to put on this ring and run back to your lady"
wispering in his ear what I wanted he chuckled and I walked out.

Roses Pov

Waking up I heard jack running up the stairs blowing his warm breath into his hands to keep him warm. I don't know what I felt, but I wanted jack, I couldn't have him, sometimes I wish I didn't even have it, it was a mistake and I didn't know if jack even wanted it no rose stop you can't let yourself think this there only hormones and as much as you want to have sex with jack this baby means the world to both of you I shook off my inner thoughts and caught jacks eyes, they were beautiful big and blue like the ocean and the way his hair fell against his tanned skin. And the way he looked at me. As a smile spread across his face he couldn't tell my emotions but I could.
Hopping out of bed quickly he stumbled back in a startled way I continued to push him back against a wall kissing him more and more he could tell that I wanted him, pushing me away I bit my lip and he smiled we carried on kissing and he pulled his arms around my legs and lifted me up, continuing to wrap me round his waist we stumbled over to the door giggling and slamming it shut, then he threw me on the bed,
"Jack wait, the baby"
He sat up straddling me and nodded. He understood but still carried on. He sat me up and carried on kissing me, I was more into it than ever, sliding my hands down his pants and his through The back of my dress we both eventually fell asleep.

Waking up first I reached for a robe, by now it was only 11 o'clock and went downstairs. There molly was bringing in the finest decor and art/ acting supplies, I ran over to her and hugged her
"Wow molly! Wait till jack sees" as I said this I felt some arms wrap around my waist expecting it to be jack i brushed the back of his head and rested it on his jawline, but from everything about this mans facial structures I knew it wasn't jack, then a strong smell of cologne drifted into my nose, as I turned my head around I was terrified of what I saw .

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