Chapter 2

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Roses pov

I tried to stumble to the bathroom to gather jacks scent it was the only thing i head left of him. I was still shocked, a baby, and it was jacks. I don't know weather to laugh, cry, or even scream i was baffled. My hand slowly moved down to my stomach and my eyes filled with burning tears i was so confused i couldn't get my head around it i wanted jack. I looked at my face in the mirror my hair a burning red color flying all over my face. My skin whiter than a porcelain doll and eyes bloodshot like id been crying for thousands of years. As i looked down i saw a piece of paper folded up. It was from jack the moment i touched the paper i realised it was the same smooth creamy paper my portrait was done on feeling this  paper brought back so many memories that happened so recently yet so long ago. My heart racing i opened it faster than id ever done anything before. 

Yes i was correct it was from my jack. In immaculate handwriting my heart bubbled with anger at what i read. 'I've overheard cal saying that I'm being taken to a prison (bottom floor on your right) they said i will be brutally beaten to....... death whatever happens rose i love you'. I read this letter with pain, sobbing i couldn't feel anything except fear, fear for not only jacks life but for mine and the babies because if jack was gone i wouldn't be able to breathe i wouldn't be able to think at least not about anything but the pain from him being gone. I knew i had to act, and quick. 

Jacks pov

The prisons were dark,dirty and disgusting i could barely breathe without feeling nauseous but none of that mattered to me the only thing that mattered was rose not the beating not the kicking not the scratching none of this abuse changed how much i loved her it just made me want to kiss her and make even more babies with her. She was the only person who i was holding on for. 

I heard footsteps coming down the hall there was practically nobody else here except a drunk who was singing some sort of very annoying song but he had fell asleep and hadn't woke up for quite a while. So i knew it was for me, every bone in my body hoped it would be rose but she  might not have even got the letter, and i could be dead by the time she reads it. But to no surprise it was a guard i winced it was time for my very continuos beating and then following behind him was cal and Lovejoy. The people who i was so glad to see. NOT. 

"long time no see cal"

Cals pov 

There he was that repulsive rodent of a man. How could he be the one to father the child that was meant to be mine. wed the wife that was meant to be mine, have the life that was meant to be mine. Rose wouldn't last a minuet outside this ship with him she would be whining to come home within a week but now like the little whore she is she's all knocked up with a gutter rat baby who will turn out just like his prick of a father. I couldn't say how any i was at jack so now was my time to get my emotions out. 

I punched him in the stomach quite gently, he whined and whispered 'rose' oh he was asking for it, saying the name of MY fiancé he deserved to be beaten and brutally too, punching him harder and harder by the minuet in the end he was practically screaming roses name. by the time id finished with him he looked bad so bad that rose wouldn't even want to look at him. 

'you try not to get so much blood on the floors there worth more than you are and will ever be '  i said smirking

 Slightly embarrassed but still satisfied at his punishment i slicked my hair back and walked off, as i carried on i called to love joy to follow and for the guard to finish what id started. 

Roses Pov  

In a panic i got dressed grabbed the stacks of money from my bedside table and asks note and started running like lightning down the corridors, passing all the doors i finally got to the lifts i barged past everyone and shouted take me down it was exactly like the titanic i was saving jack from the prisons for the second time by now. Scanning over the note again i knew exactly where to go and i was almost there. The lift finally came to a stop and i sprinted around looking for the prisoners passage and it wasn't hard, the smelled led me straight to it there was at the top of the gate to get in i led me down some steep stairs and i didn't know if i wanted to godown their at all. But then i remembered you jump i jump. 

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