Chapter 20

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Kate's Pov
Running in and out of the corridors I assumed I was lost, until I saw a glimpse of firey red hair, it was obviously rose, I don't think anyone else in the world had hair as perfect, she was so lucky to be so beautiful. Rushing into the room she saw me and sat up, Kate she shouted , running to hug her before I could ask what had happened I heard a giant scream from an awakening baby. Standing back shocked I kept walking backwards with my hand over my mouth, I couldn't believe it. Then a man came running in, he was very handsome with blue eyes and tanned skin. "Rose cals gone, he's took the baby" he ran over to rose and Gave her the biggest kiss I had ever seen anyone give to a woman. As she sobbed he held her close and comforted her, both ignoring me the first time I quietly said roses names, I couldn't hold it in anymore, "Rose! Cal has your baby, I know where he is! I've got him with me, I gave him to them down at reception Rose" Sprinting out of the room roses handsome man ran like lightning down to reception, snatching his baby out of the nurses hands he held him close, bringing him into his mother she cradled him with love. "Thanyou, Thankyou so much she begged me" I replied the most humble of replies but she insisted on sending me away, if cal knew that I had told rose he had their baby then I would be dead and buried in a very quick amount of time, so there I went off on the train with nothing but a new life and blue sky's ahead of me

Jacks Pov
"My baby, my baby boy was found and was safe, I couldn't express how much this bastard of a man was going to pay, once rose had both babies in either arm running outside into the spring air I got to a red telephone box. Slamming myself inside and blowing into my hands I diled the polices number and explained the whole story they had an easy way to track down cal, they said me and rose needed to come down to cals house to check it was him and all the details were right so I picked up rose while she had a twin in each arm, once we was in the car and the driver knew where he was going rose spoke
"Jack, I'm going to tell you something that I've never really spke about, jack having twins wasn't. A coincidence, I was a twin, jack I was a twin" as rose said this for the second time she welled up. As I slipped my hand into hers she Carried on  "Lilly was her name and that's why I want our baby girl to be called Lillia. jack my sister was the most perfect human being, until she, well till she passed away." Hugging rose close she wispered "jack do you want to choose the name for our baby boy"
"Really rose" I replied
"Really jack" she said after me while kissing me on the lips. Taking the boy I said, " I think I'm going to call you, Tommy the bravest and most courages man I know" rose looked at me with tears in her eyes.
As the car came to a sudden jolt we was just in time to watch cal be taken off to jail, Not only did he steal my beautiful baby boy yet he was found to have scamed some people of their money, but rose didn't really understand what that meant. But neither of us cared, watching him go off in a police car as a family of four we all drove home, happy as could be.

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