Chapter 12

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Rose Pov
I woke up still perched on jacks broad chest I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes and adjusting them to the sunlight, picking up my drawing and giggling at the fun me and jack had. Wondering why the house was so quiet, I stumbled out of bed and tightend my robe. On the kitchen table was two glasses of orange juice, a rose in a small cup of water and a note, opening up the paper i read out loud

Rose and jack
Me George and the girls have gone to see the new house and move all of the Jewellery to our new shop we will be back tonight hope you have fun
Love Mary

Walking back over to jack I lightly shook him and woke him up telling him what the letter said I also suggested that now we have a shop we should turn it into an art shop for him

"Oh rose, that would be amazing, I could do portraits and sell supplies and my drawings, and you've always dreamed of being an actress, you could lead acting classes, oh rose I am excited for our new start "

"Oh jack I knew you'd love the idea"

Walking into the kitchen jack pulled out bacon and eggs while I sat down at the table placing my hands on my stomach and my head on the table jack spoke saying

'We had fun last night rose"

Chuckling I replied "yes, yes we did"

While jack elegantly placed the eggs and bacon on the plates I jerked my head up and hopped out of my chair, calling out to jack "I'll be back in a minute" I ran off looking puzzled he saw me sprint to the phone with a smile on my face.

Remembering every single number I quickly diled mollys number. In the hardships of my childhood she was the only person who was there for me at some times i used to spend hours with no end on the phone to her, day in and day out she was my only comfort.
"Molly, is that you, are you there"

"Oh my, rose rose where are you are you ok I missed you dearly I've been mourning you ever since the titanic" molly shouted down the phone while tearing up 
"Oh rose we all thought you were dead, cal and your mother have gone out of there Mind, rose my dear where are you tell me, are you safe tell me I'm coming to get you" panicking molly was sputtering her words out,

By this time jack had already gone outside for a smoke, laughing at mollys worry's I interrupted her spluttering
"Molly, Molly calm down I'm safe, I'm fine, me and jack survived, I'm not sure how and I'm not sure we're we were found but I'm pregnant with jacks baby and we're living in Chippewa falls, but molly I need a favour, me and jack are opening our own art and acting shop and class"

"Oh rose, pregnant, how amazing and with jack, the man you love but say no more I will buy you both the finest things for your shop, don't you worry I will get the best for you young rose" I will board one of my small ships down to Chippewa falls, now tell me more about everything" molly said excitedly I could almost hear her jumping up and down on the other side of the phone

"Oh ok molly if you insist" I said joking around but secretly pleased she asked, I wanted to show how amazing my life was with jack.

Jacks Pov

Rose was having a very long phone call I wasn't sure who to or why, I just assumed it was Mary so after coming in from my smoke I sat down and ate.

"Rose hurry up your foods getting cold" I called
out to her from the kitchen.

"Coming my dear" her cheery voice replied.

Still stuffing my face I heard rose coming back in, coming over to kiss me on the lips I knew she could tase the cigarette I had smoked before hand, so once she pulled away she just kissed me a second time and even more passionately. After sitting down next to me we Both are together.

{that day rose and jack cleaned the shop and the house, rose keeping mollys surprise a secret}

{later that day}

Jacks Pov
Hearing a crowd bustle outside the shop me and rose both puzzled ran downstairs assuming there was a problem as we finally got outsider was both panting, punning my hands on my knees and crouching over, nither of us realised that the attention was towards a shiny black car, whoever owned this was rich and wanted to talk to me and rose, fearing it was cal I tried to drag rose inside about to pick her up and take her inside a man came and opened up a door, then out came a plump lady in a brownish fur coat that dangled down to her feet, me and rose both saw her and ran to her
" Molly" we both screamed

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