Chapter 22

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Roses Pov
"Mommy, mommy" lillia screamed while running over to me across the shop where I was teaching my acting classes, picking her up and swinging her round she shoved a envelope into my hand, kissing her on her forehead I put her down and she went back to her brother who was sitting at the table mixing his porridge.Unlike his sister he had sleep in his eyes and his hair was all messed up to be fair he had just got out of bed but that was no excuse for lillia every morning at the break of dawn she was up picking roses off the side of the house to put in her blonde beautiful hair and picking out princess dresses to make her look so elegant, as she plopped her bum on her seat she grabbed some crayons and paper and started to draw, turning away I dismissed my acting class and before I could sit down jack wrapped his arms round my neck and kissed me then he slowly brushed his hands down to my bump and rested them there I turned around and kissed him and started to open the envelope as I read out loud to jack it said

Dear the Dawson's

I hope your all well and having a great time in Chippewa falls it's beautiful over in New York there's so much to see I can't believe that your pregnant again rose I can't wait till me and Joseph have a baby anyway I know it's been many years but I can't thank you enough from saving me from that life of misery that cal left me with say hello to the children
Lots of love Kate

Aww how kind of her I said to jack, Kate sent us regular letters she's now married and trying for another baby,
"So my beautiful lady would you like me to go and pick up some special Saturday breakfast" jack wispered in my ear.
"Mr Dawson that would be splendid" I said standing back and curtsying. Jack giggled and grabbed a pack of smokes, his coat and his wallet. "I will be back shortly m'lady" he said this sarcastically while bowing his head like a waiter. As I smiled at him he hopped out the shop.

Once he'd left I walked over to the children arching my back with the weight of the baby I was carrying, brushing my hand over Tommy's head I sat in the chair next to him, pushing my red hair out of my face I complimented there drawings Tommy's was perfect, he really was a true artist like his father but in lillias case she was getting very angry at how her brothers was better than hers so by this point she had gave up, "mommyyyy, can I play outside" I gave her a look of disapproval "mommy please please pleaseeeeee" looking at her face I couldn't help it, she had a charm, a twinkle in her eye (very much like her father) "oh fine but only for 5 minutes" jumping for joy she ran out into the cobbled streets with many other girls, she was obviously the leader of the pack telling each girl what to do and were to go, but they didn't seem to mind so I just left them.
Turning round I carried on the washing up waiting for jack to come back with our Saturday morning treats!

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