Chapter 14

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Jacks Pov

Me and rose both ran to molly hugging her just so happy to see a freindly face, she looked me up and down and brushed my shoulder in a proud way
"You really have found the man of your dreams rose"
Molly said this while looking into my eyes, there was something about her, she was the only person in the world who could tell how much I loved rose even in the way I just speaked to her. Turning to rose she bent down and kissed roses small bump that was surfacing under her dress, but still there were big crowds of people staring at molly in awe at how rich she was, the people in Chippewa falls had never really seen anything like her. Realising the mass attention we had drawn us 3 all hurried inside and up to the kitchen table,

me and rose told our whole story. Molly was shocked at how evil some of the people were especially cal, he was such a bastard. It was starting to become dark and we were all becoming a bit dreary until there was a loud ringing coming from the phone. Rose lunged up to get it but I beat her to it, pushing her back down into the sofa I went and picked up the phone to George, I could hear the girls and Mary playing together happily in the background he told me that him and Mary needed to go out and do some things so would it be ok if me and rose could look after the twins, me and rose enthusiastically agreed and said they could be dropped off to ours at any time.

{twins are dropped off and spend the whole night with jack rose and molly while Mary and George are at the doctors}

Knock, knock, it was Mary and George at the door, rose was asleep and molly was sitting on the sofa with rose smoking a large cigar dazing off to sleep she had her head layed on rose and a book in her hand. There was Mary and George, they both had flushed cheeks and were very excited, all three of us were jumping for joy when they told me they were pregnant it really was an achievement for them after trying for so long.

Mary walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water while me and George picked up one each of the sleeping girls and carried them out to the horse and carriage. Then I made molly up a bed in the spare room and helped her up and carried rose in my arms up to our bed. For the first time in a while the house was silent and the moon was out.

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