Chapter 10

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Roses PoV

I sat in the doctors waiting room with such fear, I wouldn't let go of jacks hand, I wanted to cry, I couldn't carry on like this, scared to even walk down my street because of all the badness in this world.

"Rose Dawson" a kind looking doctor called out

Jack stood up, I didn't want to go, I didn't want to move didn't want to let go of jack, I was scared scared to be alone scared of Thomas, scared of cal. I didn't know what to do. By this point jack had lunged me up and was dragging me into the doctors surgery. He picked me up and plopped me on the bed, not letting go of my hand he kneeled beside me and whispered words of encouragement.

"Miss I'm afraid your going to have to go into the toilets just outside and empty your urine into this beaker." The doctor said handing me the beaker

"No, no she can't go in that toilet honestly doctor." Jack blurted ou standing up.

I took a deep breath and said "no jack it will be fine,it is for our baby and if they're safe then I'm safe."

"Are you sure rose, are you sure you want to do this"

"Yes jack I will be fine" standing up and marching out I knew I had to put a brave face on I couldn't worry the doctor or jack.

I went out the room looking for Mary and George they were being ushered into the other surgery room, I went into the toilet and done as the doctor said and when I came out Mary was waiting at the door with a beaker too she gave me a little wave as I walked back into the room. I went and gave the beaker to the doctor and hugged jack

In my ear he whispers "you did it"

I sat back on the bed and smiled, time went buy and the doctor told us we was ready to go so ,me and jack walked out, meeting Mary and george we all started to make our way back to the shop.

Mary's Pov
I was so upset, no baby. I felt like there was no hope, I didn't speak to anyone that day it was just so sad, I wanted to feel the joys of having a newborn in my arms, the rest of that week I just felt like giving up.
Ring ring~
The phone, the phone. George sprinting over to it he picked it up and said George Miller speaking, nobody could hear what the man on the phone was saying but from George's face it was good news once he put the phone down he called "Mary,Mary" I ran outside with him

Jack Pov
" wonder what they're so excited about" I muttered to rose

" Oh jack we really should be moving out of here I feel awfully sorry for Mary and George we are such a pester" rose said

Hey hey don't worry, we're gonna be fine no matter what happens, I slipped my hand into hers kissing her on the cheek we fell into a passionate daze of kissing

"Guys, guys we have news!" George ran in and blurted out, I got a new job," we all cheered for him

He then said "but this job comes with a free house as long as I'm working with that company we can stay there as long and we need. So that means that YOU TWO get our house and shop !!!"

It was one of the best moments that me and rose have been here we were so happy, I scooped her up off the floor and spun her around, we were all so happy. The rest of that night we all spent eating drinking dancing and celebrating. By midnight everyone was a bit tipsy but George insisted on taking us to a bar that had recently opened and had, music and dancing going on till the break of dawn, as we walked in me and rose realised it was the same song we had danced to on the titanic so we all started merrily running and jumping around, me and rose even hit the chance to get up on stage and show off our Irish dancing.

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