Chapter 8

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Mary's PoV

Knock,knock,knock. I walked into mine and George's room where rose and jack were staying. Jack was sat up on the bed just looking at rose while she slep. They really were meant to be. I slowly placed a tray of coffee and some pastry's, trying not to bother them jack came over to me and said

"Mary somethings happend you need to be with rose at all times and make sure she is ok"

Puzzled I said "of course jack, I'll take care of rose the girls are going to daycare and I need to go to town and shouldn't rose have a doctors appointment about the baby"

"Errr yes, she should" jack said this with fear i walked out the room as jack kissed rose and hugged her tightly.

Jacks PoV

My poor rose, today was the day I got her the ring, made it official I'd only known her for at least 2 weeks but it felt like I've known her all my life, I'm sure her and Mary will have a nice time today, checking up on the baby, getting lunch. Anyway for all we know Thomas didn't even see rose, she's safe as long as she's here in Chippewa falls or with me or Mary or George. I forced myself to think that Rose was ok. I slipped out of bed giving rose one last kiss on the head and went to tell George that I wanted to propose he thought it was an amazing idea and he was in on the plan. So we both set off into the town while the girls went to the doctors. We finally arrived at the jewlers shop, we went to a different one from George's he said that we deserved a better ring, and there it was a diamond with small Ruby's decked in the shape of roses around it it was perfect and I knew that was the one but really carried on looking anyway.

Thomas Pov
This place is disgusting I can't wait to get back to New York, and this doctors office smells badly, they needed to chill I only had a cold but my overprotective father forced me to come here. Sat in the corner were nobody could see me, i held my head in my hands, I was embarrassed to be here and I didn't want anyone seeing me here. Until I heard a familiar voice laughing and talking, it was her it really was rose I was shocked and stared round the corner at her. She clearly hasn't seen me. But why is she here in a doctors surgery,she slowly got up to go to the bathroom, now was my chance I got up put my head down and walked in there after her 

"Hello rose, long time no see, did you miss me"

Roses PoV 

I turned around and there he was, my living nightmare dressed in a suit and coat, had he followed me here, did cal send him, was he going to rape me again,or kill me this time? So many questions flooded around my head I wanted to cry, cowering in the corner he came up and put his arms around me, trapping me trying too cross my legs and keep my dress intact to my legs I closed my eyes took one deep breath and screamed. 

Jacks PoV 

My rose, I heard her scream we had to go. Sprinting like lightning we ran down the cobbled streets into the doctors surgery. We found an almost empty doctors surgery everyone had fled I count help thinking what cowards they were except Mary who had a bleeding lip 

"Roses in the toilet he punched me, the man" as George hugged her and comforted her I ran into the door trying to break it hitting it with my shoulder over and over again I heard rose scream my name "JACK" then George ran over to try and help me, we pushed and pushed until the door flew open. George grabbed rose , luckily he hadn't been able to unbutton her dress to do any damage, rose was safe and so was our baby. I grabbed this filth by the collar and repeatedly punched him over and over again up until blood was coming from everywhere and he was on the floor almost unconscious. I hugged rose so tight she could barely breathe, she was shaking like a leaf and was so scared I had to carry her home that night Ellie and Louise went to there grandmas and grandpas house while we all sat down and talked about what had happened. 

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