Chapter 18

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Roses Pov

I was confused they were taking me through a dark hall, I could feel my eyes start to close, clenching the sheets, I wouldn't let go, not yet I had everything to live for now my baby girl was in the world. Finally we was wheeled into a theatre room. And that was when it went black when roses eyes closed, the next events rose has no recall of until she wakes up

Doctors Pov

"Oh shit, rose, stay with me"
"It's ok doctor she still has a pulse" the nurse called back in a worried voice.
On 1 we're going to have to help rose to get this second baby, on 1 pull !
Pull !!!!!

Everyone pulled with all their might as a little boy took his first breath into the world. Screaming and crying the little boy longed to be loved, by his mother or father, along the corridor came a man. And that man goes by the name of cal. When he saw rose he ran in "errrr im err the err father " he said stumbling many times
"Ah yes, hears the baby sir"
Flinching when the doctors passed him the baby. Screaming even louder cal became angry at the baby telling it to shush, yet the doctors were too busy stitching up rose. At this point cal saw a small basket, about the size of a picnic hamper. He layed the baby who was bundled up in blankets into it and rushed past reception Ruth and ran into the car following after him. When he sat back in the car he cackled, the most evil laugh he had taken the baby boy.

Cals Pov
I'd got away with it, it's my baby now, I hope rose dies and for jack he was born a street rat and will die a street rat so who would worry about him.
{the baby starts to scream}
What could you be crying about you filth, picking up the baby and holding it out Ruth eventually got in the car seeing me
" what did you do" Ruth said bringing a hand over her mouth
"Oh shut up Ruth, oh and also you driver,
can you go !" I screamed this so impatiently that the baby started crying and the driver drove as fast as he could back to my house

Jacks Pov
Rose, I wanted rose, but having our daughter in my arms was perfect I was such a proud father, we really are a family. Kissing her forehead I knew that I wasn't the only one who wanted rose, as I said this our beautiful little girl started to cry, as I jumped up to rock her a nurse cane through and explained that it was ok to see rose now but she was still sleeping so we had to be very quiet and gentle.
As I rushed down the hall to my beautiful rose with our daughter. Rushing into the room we placed our baby girl between the both of us, rose awoke and saw me and the baby next to her, she grabbed my face into a kiss and slowly brushed our baby's forehead
Our family was all I ever wished for and now my dreams had come true. But it had only just started.

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