Chapter 4

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Officer Pov
"Oy what you doing in here! Hold on a minuet you were titanic passengers we ain't in net York kids were nearly in Chippewa falls another 3-4 hours till were there!!"

Jacks Pov
I woke to a man with a a cheery voice, I sat up careful not to wake rose and the baby while rubbing my eyes and adjusting them to the bright light of the open door I saw a plump officer with rosy cheeks and a hat perched above his bald head welcoming us into Chippewa falls, we had reached our destination.He then closed the door and when away leaving us with only a dim light i ran my hand through my hair that still had bits of ice in and chuckled thinking how did we get away with this, i then lay my head back and closed my eyes.

Before i knew it rose started tossing and turning, waking me up, getting her dress all tangled round her she started sobbing and saying 'cal no, its my baby no, jack, jack help me.' I violently shook her and woke her up she say me and let on me like a lion and its prey, wrapping her arms round my neck she kissed me passionately on the lips i comforted her from her awful dream. This evil monster had made his mark on my family and i was having none of it. 

Roses pov 

The ship came to a sudden shudder, I sat upright and feared the worse. After the titanic me and jack were both traumatized by the results and within mines of the stop we both had our wits about us and were making a plan. We scrambled out the closet and fell in ahead on the floor, me on top of jack we both giggled and realized there was no problem we was just arriving at our destination 

'jack what if cal sees us when we get off the boat'

'err rose were in chippewa falls' 

'no,your not joking are you, oh jack now we can do the things you always promised me, oh i dearly am excited' Rose ran around jumping and running.

'Oy, careful of the baby you'. i said placing my hand across her stomach. 

'A kick ' we both said it at the same time. At that moment i looked into roses eyes and knew she was the one. Knew she was the one i loved wanted to marry wanted to have children with the one who i wanted to be with forever. 

'Wow jack chippewa falls is beautiful' I looked out onto the horizon it was stunning i couldn't wait to get off. Jack was so lucky to have been brought up here, free as the wind no prim and proper ways. As the ship docked i saw a small field and a town with small shops and a cobbled street. All the children were so sweet, mother wouldn't have approved, nothing prim and proper, most girls had pretty pink dresses on and their hair in piggy tail. they were adorable. I pointed a row of about 4-5 girls out to jack they were sitting on some steps in a line trading each others hair whispering to him 'thats what i want our daughters to be like jack' i kissed him on the cheek and interlocked my hand with his. He then pointed out some boys running round with their arms out pretending to be areoplanes and said 'thats what i want our sons to be like' i then looked at him and knew how lucky i was i leaned his shoulder and looked out at the view with jack doing the same 

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