Chapter 7

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Jacks PoV 

We was running through the towns faster than we had ever run anywhere before, I had no clue what had happend or  why rose had freaked out so much,all I knew was it wasn't good and I Would've done anything to help  her with what had happened we finally got to Mary and George's house. Not even looking at the roses we both ran inside panting and out of breath. Rose looked around her and crippled on the floor. She sat there lifeless crying so much me and George helped her up and into their room. George was as confused as I was once we had picked rose up and layed her on Mary and George's bed George left so it was just me and her I slowly said moving closer to her and putting my hand on her stomach 

"Now will you tell me what's wrong" 

Roses PoV 

"I saw him, I saw the man who I thought I would never see again thought who had moved away, far away. Thomas greenhill his name is, his family were extremely rich and very close friends with Cals one night they came round for dinner at ours to tell us the news that they had just invested in a new business which meant that they needed to move away for, on the night of that dinner party my corset was too tight i went upstairs to my room in a panic trying to loosen it then he came in, Thomas he came over to me and pushed me against a wall and put his hands around my neck and covered my mouth he signalled that if I made any noise he would kill me, and I believe him jack, money can do awful things to people. Thomas lifted my dress and moved his hand around. But cal knew, cal knew what he was doing. They had a deal jack to do things to me, luckily a maid came in, in time before he could do any more damage. He dropped me and I fell down before the maid could see what he was doing he said, tell anyone anything about this and I'll kill you and everyone you love 

And now jack I've never told anyone since I've spent so many nights crying on my own about it but jack your the only person who knows and you can't tell anybody" By the end of my story I was sobbing, I could barely talk, I could see in jacks eyes how much he wanted to kill him, kill him even more than cal. 

Jacks PoV 

I was so annoyed I wanted to rip the head of this prick and feed it to some pigs. I was shocked for words all I could do was hug rose. Eventually she fell asleep on my shoulder it was vey late I didn't blame her. But I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight, rose was the world to me and this man had torn her apart and stood all over her. I told her it was ok but I knew it wasn't I knew things were getting worse by the day. Why couldn't me and rose just be happy together. It was so unfair rose was an amazing girl but she was so amazing everyone wanted her to themselves and never let her be herself. Tears dripped down my face I couldn't imagine my baby's face when he was doing these things to her. 

Thomas's PoV 

R.... Rose, I saw rose, no,no,no this can't be happening. She died on the titanic, that's what cal said, and Cals in New York I spoke to him just this morning. But that hair that sexy red hair I would recognise it anywhere. It's her I'm sure, but who's that boy she was with. I must tell cal oh what a minute before I tell cal that I've found his so called dead mistress then maybe I'll have a little fun and finish what I started with her, I'm sure she's waiting for me to come back and carry on. 

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