Chapter 20

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Kayla's POV

I woke up to see him still sleeping so I went to the bathroom to change. I came out to see Ross eating breakfast and taking his medicine.

"Good morning," I told him. He looked up and smiled.

"Morning." I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek but he moved his face at the last moment and I kissed him on the lips.

"Ew!! Your breath tastes like medicine!!" He laughed and kissed me again. 

"Oh, well." I laughed with him and went to go get some food at the place across the street. I put it in my purse and walked back to Ross's room where I heard a way too familiar voice talking to him. I opened the door and my jaw dropped to the floor. 

"Dad? What are you doing here?" They both looked at me and Ross quickly removed eye contact but my dad stared. 

"I came to see you before I left and Joann told me you were at the hospital." I shook my head and cursed under my breath. 

I am going to get Joann later. 

I go and give my dad a hug but he grabs my hand. 

"What is this?" He demanded/asked. I gulped but stayed firm.

"It's a ring." He looked at me like I was stupid.

"I know it's a ring. Do you think I'm stupid? I meant why is it on your left hand?" 

"Because I'm engaged." He looked at me and I saw anger in his eyes.

"To who? To him? To this boy? I don't think so." 

"Sir, to all respect.." Ross started but Dad stopped him.

"You are in a hospital bed. Why? Because you got shot which means you're dangerous." My dad shook his head and looked at me. 

"He's not dangerous! He was protecting me! I almost got shot, Dad. Not him. He got shot BY ACCIDENT, I must add, because he wanted to make sure I was safe." My dad said nothing, just gave Ross a blank expression. He then turned back to me.

"I already told you, Kayla, you will not marry this man. You are 19 and I will not let you make the same mistake as your sister did!" He shouted.

"Excuse me, sir, marrying my brother is not a mistake. He will take care of her, I can gurantee that." Ross spoke up but my father ignored him. 

"Kayla, you came here to go to school. Instead, you are spending your time hanging around instead of studying and I will not allow it anymore." 

"Because the man I love was in the hospital, Dad! And I'm not going back to the college until he's out of this place!" 

"You don't love him. You are too young to know what love is." my dad said back. 

"Yes, I do! If Mom got shot and was in a hospital bed, would you leave her side? Would you not stay and go on with your regular life. Would you not stay with her until she's up and moving again. I can't do ANYTHING until I know Ross will never get hurt again." My dad glared but said nothing. 

"Kayla, you are going back to school. Tonight." 

"Dad!! I told you, I'm not leaving until Ross is well again. And if you never talk to me again after this, I'm okay with it. Just, for once in my life, don't you want me to be happy?" I had tears in my eyes and I ran to Ross as he hugged me. My dad looked at us with disgust before leaving without another word. I cried even more and Ross rubbed my back and whispered soothing words into my ear. 

"I don't get it, Ross. I thought he would support us. I thought he would understand." 

"Kayla, he's just upset because he doesn't want to lose you. He lost you the time you ran away and he doesn't want to lose you again." I nodded and wiped my tears off my face. 

"You know, now that I think about it, Joann did this." Ross looked at me with confusion.

"She knew I wasn't speaking to him. She knew he wouldn't understand. She knew all of this but she still told him where I was. It's her fault." Ross looked at me. 

"Kayla, do not blame this on her." 

"But I can! She knew that Dad and I didn't have the greatest relationship. She knows he would disapprove and she's probably thinking about such the hard time I'm having. She can never be satisfied until she knows that Dad and I are fighting and she seems like the better daughter." 

"Kayla! You know that is not true! Your sister probably didn't understand what the big deal was. She had no idea. And your dad was right, you do need to go back to school. I don't want to be the one who prevents you from living your dream." I looked into Ross's beautiful hazel eyes and I sighed.

"Don't you get it? You are my dream. My life wouldn't be complete without you. I wouldn't be living my dream if you weren't in it." Ross smiled and kissed me gently. 

"That was the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me." he said and I smiled and hugged him. 

"But you still need to go to school." I groaned and slapped him against his chest. 

"Really, Ross? Really?" He laughed and I sighed. Then, I smiled.

"What about you? Why don't you go to school?" 

"What? Why?" I smiled at him. 

"You love your airplanes. Why don't you go to school for it?" He looked down and frowned. 

"I would love to. But you know I can't do that. I have my family, the band, my acting. It's like my whole future has already be written." His eyes held sadness and I kissed him. 

"I wasn't written in the future. But this turned out fine, didn't it?" I asked him. 

"Perfectly." He kissed me again and I melted into his arms. It felt like it lasted forever and we pulled away when we ran out of breath. We put our foreheads against each others and it felt like we were breathing the same air. We heard a knock on the door and I jumped out of the bed and into a chair because we knew it was the doctor. 

Only the doctor knocked.

Everyone else, however, (excluding Stormie and Mark) just walk right in.

Nosy fuckers. They always ruin our moments.

Anyways, Ross yelled come in and the doctor came in. He asked Ross a lot of questions which Ross answered rather impatiently, for he kept glancing at me with longing.

This boy is so cute! I just want to pinch his cheeks. 

The doctor wrote a bunch of stuff on his clipboard. 

"Well, Mr. Lynch, you can actually leave tomorrow. I'll make sure that the press don't find out that you've been here." 

"I think they already know." Ross grumbled and frowned. 

"Ross, how could they?" I asked him.

"They know everything! It's like they follow my every move." Ross started murmuring things under his breath and the doctor quickly left, not wanting to make him even more upset. I went to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand.

"Ross, even if they do know, it's okay. There's nothing we can do about it, so we just move on. The more you sit here and grumble, the more they're winning." He looked up at me and his hazel eyes glistened.

"Thanks. For everything." I nodded and hugged him. 

"But you still have to go to school on Monday." I groaned and slapped him.



I'm done. That's it. 

Hope you enjoyed it.


One Last Chance (A Ross and Rocky Lynch/R5 FanFiction: Sequel to What Is Love?)Where stories live. Discover now