A little jealous

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Song: Jealous by Nick Jonas-cover sung by Andie Case

After that day everything just falls right in line. I just want to be with him and only him. I will always have my issues but with him he seems to understand me and gets me for who I am. All summer we find ways to be together. Of course he has to work most days and I end up finding me a part time job just to help pass the time away while he is at work. Right when school ended for the year my parents took me out to look for another car. This way I can drive myself to work without having to depend on them.

On days that we do get to spend time together it feels like we can't find just time for the two of us. Is we go to his house his siblings are always around and if we go to mine my parents refuse to let me close the door. So when we do get to actually find the time to be alone we end up making out.

We have to go back to school next week and I so dread it. I mean I'm glad that it is my senior year and all and this is the last year that I have to drag myself to school. Well that is if I don't go to college but my parents have really been pressing the issue all summer. If it was up to me I would do online classes it just seems more practical for me this way so I won't have to deal with the panic attacks.

It's a Saturday and I don't have to work today so I plan on spending the day in bed...not. My mom knocks on the bedroom door and then enters. "Hey you feel like going school shopping today?"

"Not really...I don't need anything."

"Come on, you can't stay in here all day and I'm sure you will need a few school supplies."

"I can use what I did last year; really mom it's no big deal."

"Ophelia, get up lets go."

I groan. I mean really, this is my senior year of high school and she still treats me like a first grader. I get up and throw on jeans and a shirt. I meet her downstairs. On the way to the mall she is asking me all these question about school and if I decided to pick a college and what career do I want to go into and then Kodiak.

"Ophelia, I realize it's an important decision in your life but you need to be thinking about your future. I mean college is very important and what about Kodiak, are you two go UK ng to be together or millions of miles away from each other?"

"I don't know where he is going to college?" I huff in aggravation.

"I was just asking...I figured you would want to go where ever he was going that's all."

"Mom I still have a whole year to decide," I groan.

"And it will be here before you know it. Ophelia I just want you to have it all planned out."

"I will mom...geez."

It takes her a while to park as everything is super packed this weekend. I guess everyone had the same idea. When she finally parks it's like we have to walk a mile away just to get to the building. By the time we actually step foot inside the mall, I am covered in sweat and irritated. She is going in and out of stores finding things and I casually walk behind her. It's  freaking way too crowded and all the people  that surround me are getting  on my ever lasting nerve.

"You could at least act like you are enjoying this," she tells me.

"But I'm not...and I want to go." I roll my eyes. "Mom like seriously this is giving me a headache." I place my hand on my temple. 

"Well alright them...how about some lunch?"

"Whatever," I huff. I know either way that I am not getting out of this to go back home to my room.

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