1: Luna

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I'm staring at the moon and the bright stars outside my window. I sigh with my head propped up with my elbows on the windowsill. I've never witnessed a shooting star, though I'd love to. I'd love to wish upon a shooting star. To wish for a happier, more meaningful life. Sometimes I wonder to myself, why must I have this life? Why has fate chosen me to live this sad and melancholic life?

There's a knock on my door.

I instantly pull down the sleeves of my shirt to cover my scarred arms. But, I'm too slow. Or maybe it's just my sister who's too quick. She's gasping as she darts over towards me, gripping my hands before I can hide the scars.

Mina is six years older than me, so it's natural for her to worry and be concerned about me, although I don't really need her to. I know she loves me and I love her too, but sometimes she just needs to let me be free. Let me do what I want to do. I don't want to be her shadow. I don't want to be her baby sister, even though I'm not the youngest in the family. I have a little sister too, yet she seems to be doing better than I am, whilst I'm the burden to the family. Everyone loves my sisters and I'm the disappointment.

"Luna, I thought you stopped cutting yourself. Why is this bad habit of yours resurfacing?" Mina asks with a soft voice as she holds onto my hands delicately, careful not to hurt me.

I pull my arms away from her and huddle up against the cool window. I pull my sleeves down to conceal the pink marks on my skin and hug my legs.

"Just leave me alone," I say, but Mina doesn't budge.

She sighs and sits down beside me. The opposite of what I've just said. She comes closer to me, but I move away and let the curtain of my long hair cover my face. I'm not in the mood to explain to her, to be lectured by her. I hate how she's studying me with her soft brown eyes. I hate how those same eyes are scanning my body, looking for the wounds I've set upon myself.

I stand and shout, "Why can't you just leave me alone!"

She stands as well. She's taller than me, so I'm forced to look up to face her.

"Let me help you," She says with her angelic voice. "Please."

"No," I reply, cutting her off.

We stand face to face with each other. She's observing me again and I'm observing her too. Her lashes flutter with every blink. Her hair brushes against her face and shoulders ever so slightly by the crisp breeze from the opened window. Her rosy lips twitch, and she sighs.

"Fine," she says abruptly, then turns to leave my room.

The door closes gently and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I tug my sleeves up my arms and peer at them. There aren't as many cuts as before, which is a sign that I'm slowly recovering. I know I'm getting better, so I don't need Mina to worry about me.

It's true, things are getting better. My parents haven't argued in weeks. They haven't yelled at me either. It's been peaceful, which I hope is a good thing. I'm doing well in school and my grades are steady. Everything has been going smoothly. Well, as smooth as it can possibly get.

I turn my focus back to the window behind me and lay down on my bed. I should sleep, yet the moonlight distracts me. Its glow so captivating and beautiful as it illuminates the pitch black sky.

I close my eyes and let my body relax.

But before I can fall asleep, my door creeks open. I see my little 7-year-old sister standing by my door, she's in her nightgown and she's clutching onto her teddy bear.

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