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The months pass by quickly and it's the day of Luna's high school graduation ceremony, so of course I'm here to support her and celebrate with her

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The months pass by quickly and it's the day of Luna's high school graduation ceremony, so of course I'm here to support her and celebrate with her.

Sitting amongst students, teachers and families brings me back to my high school days, and seeing high school seniors in their graduation gowns and caps makes me feel like a high school senior myself, and I'm graduating all over again. I smile and wave at Luna who's sitting in the front row of chairs next to Aurora amongst her classmates on the platform. She looks nervous, as she shyly waves back at me. Her mum and sisters are on one side of me and they too are excitedly waving at her, and sitting on the other side of me are Jimin and Jungkook, as well as Junghyun and both Aurora's biological and adoptive parents.

I watch as students go on stage one by one as their names get called. I smile encouragingly and give Luna a thumbs up as she looks at me nervously and I notice how she's squirming in her seat and playing with her hair.

"Park Luna," the headteacher calls out.

Luna stands up and walks onto the stage to receive her diploma. She smiles at the headteacher and gives her a small bow as the headteacher hands her the diploma. The headteacher places a hand around Luna's shoulder and they turn to face the crowd and look towards the photographer for a photo.

After the photo is taken, Luna is still standing on the stage, although the headteacher is motioning for her to go back to her seat. She's just standing on the stage and staring at something behind us. She's gaping in shock, which makes me turn my head to see what she's looking at.

I see a middle-aged man and a young pregnant lady standing beside him. The man has his arm wrapped around the lady's waist and he's waving at Luna.

Is the man... no... he can't possibly be... is he her dad?! I, too am shocked as I watch the man walk closer towards the crowd and take a seat.

"Dad?" I hear Luna say as she stares at the man.

She looks surprised and confused at the same time, and maybe a teeny bit of delight too. She eventually makes her way down the stage and back to her seat. I'm eager to go talk to her and find out what's going on, but there's nothing I can do as the graduation ceremony continues and I'm stuck sitting amongst the crowd.

Mrs Park turns around and as soon as she locks eyes with the man, she gasps and quickly turns back around as tears brim in her eyes. Mina turns around too and she looks equally as astonished. Rae-na is about to turn around too to see what her sisters and mum are looking at, but Mina quickly stops her and tells her it's nothing.

I whisper to Mina who's sitting beside me, "Is that man... your father?"

She just nods and says nothing more. She turns her attention back to the graduation ceremony and claps her hands as the graduating students have all received their diplomas and a teacher goes on stage to give a speech.

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